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Posts posted by LynnB

  1. I think it has to do where you put your repeat.


    var yourtimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:2,onComplete:myFunction});
    yourtimeline.insert(new TweenMax(mc, 3, {colorTransform:{tint:0xffccff, tintAmount:0.5, brightness:0.1}, autoAlpha:.3, delay:6}));
    function myFunction():void {

  2. I've been trying like heck to remove a physics2D tween without success. I know you can stop, pause, reverse, restart but I haven't figured out how to remove it. I have a button on rollover that starts it (setting that up is easy) on rollout I want the tween to be removed, to disappear. Is this possible?



  3. I designed a 1200x600 swf that fills the browser window (100%x100%) and saw that on resolution of 1024x768 that the whole swf doesn't show (the bottom half is not visible). So I'm at my wits ends.

    Now, I'm trying to use AutoFitArea and put all my display objects on it and to scale the swf up and down on resize so the whole swf shows in any browser but it's not working. I need the AutoFitArea to fill the whole browser window and it's not happening. The height fills the browser window but the width doesn't. And I don't know why! What's the problem?

    Here is test code:


    import com.greensock.layout.*;

    import flash.display.StageAlign;


    this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;


    var area:AutoFitArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 0, 0, 1200, 600);

    area.preview = true;


    area.attach(mc,ScaleMode.NONE, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.CENTER);

    area.attach(bar, ScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY, AlignMode.LEFT, AlignMode.BOTTOM);



    area.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onAreaUpdate);


    function onAreaUpdate(event:Event):void {


    trace("updated AutoFitArea");


  4. I'm back, Jack! :(


    I'm having an issue now with LiquidPosiiton with items I have pinned to the stage that LoaderMax is throwing an 1009 error. I take out the liquidPostions and LoaderMax works fine. I suspected when I inserted LiquidPosition pins that this would happen.

    How can I define LiquidPosition pins within the code you wrote above?


    For instance this throws the error in LoaderMax:


    timeline.insert(TweenMax.to(logo_mc.products, 1, {delay:4.5, liquidPosition:{x:183, y:112, pin:ls.CENTER},ease:Bounce.easeOut}));

  5. Thanks again, Jack! Yes, my LiquidStage code is in the main timeline of my .fla. I tired your code and initially it didn't quite work. Still got the 1009 error. The below code is what I had to do. Is this correct, that I need to put my LiquidStage attach's in the function also? When I do, that nasty error disappears and things work fine. Putting the ls.attach's outside the function causes the error. Once again, thanks so much for your help. I'm ready to dig deeper now into LoaderMax.


    if (this.stage == null) {
       this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
    } else {
    var ls:LiquidStage; //declaring it outside the function so it's available wherever you want - just make sure you don't run code that relies on it until it is properly defined in the addedToStageHandler().
    function addedToStageHandler(event:Event=null):void {
       this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
    this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
           ls = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 550, 400);
    ls.attach(orange_mc, ls.CENTER);
           ls.attach(blue_mc, ls.TOP_RIGHT);
       //and so on...

  6. Thank you Jack! But to be blunt. I have no idea where to put this code. You said put it in the constructor of the main class in my subloaded swf (I know this to mean my main swf that I'm trying to load). I don't know where the main class is! Is it a .as file? Sorry for being such a newbie!

  7. I'm just starting out trying to use this new LoaderMax. I don't pretend to know much at all. To start, all I want to do is load my main.swf file. I do this and I get; Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    I figured out it may have to do with LiquidStage or the StageAlign class, I think! I take all references of it out of my main. swf and the Error #1009 disappears. So is it that LiquidStage or the Stage Align class is not loading before it's called? I'm not sure.

    What to do?


    Jack, I really wish you'd do a video tutorial on the basics of using LoaderMax. That would really help out us newbies!

  8. I have a simple tween on a menu tab that falls down on rollover and retracts on rollout. In this tab is a contact form. The problem is when you click on the combobox in the form to select a recipient the menu tab retracts which I don't want and it leaves the combobox list on the stage. The file better explains the issue.

    What is causing it to do this?


  9. How do I stop the transformAroundCenter from repeating on CLICK after the initial click and tween?

    In the file attached clicking the button twice causes the transformAroundCenter to repeat which I don't want. The other element such as scale don't repeat only the transformAroundCenter element does.


    Is it something so obvious that I'm missing?



  10. Thank you, Jack, Here is my fla. I'm using, this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

    When I use it my text tween doesn't layout properly but my dropdown menu does. When I take it out the text tween works correctly but my dropdown menu doesn't.

    Like I said it all works fine when I "Test Movie" in Flash but messes up in browsers.

    I know it's something I'm doing wrong but I can't figure it out.

  11. I'm using LS to display my objects. That works fine for some of my objects except for my tweens. They don't start or end where I position them. When I use Test Movie in Flash it's all perfect but when I set up my .swf in html the tweens are all out of their start and end positions. This is driving me batty trying to figure where to look to get those tweens to be where I position them both at their start and end positions. Any ideas?


    Thank you!

  12. I read, Jack that you said bitmap is better to use then vector because the calculations needed to render vectors is much more processor intensive then bitmap. So why is Flash a vector drawing program and not a bitmap program? So say, If I wanted to create a box with a stroke I should do it in a program like Photoshop and import it to Flash to use?



    by the way, I signed up for the $99 club membership and glad to be here!

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