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Posts posted by mattmoon

  1. Hello. I am having an issue with the TweenProxy3D plugin and a "Spark" TitleWindow. I am trying to put a rotationX flip on the TitleWindow's creation complete call.


    When I run the following code: "NOTE: doIntroTween() happens on creationComplete event"

    private function doIntroTween():void
    var proxy:TweenProxy3D = TweenProxy3D.create(this);
    proxy.registration = new Vector3D((this.width/2),(this.height/2),0);
    TweenLite.to(proxy, 2, {alpha:1.0, transformAroundCenter:{rotationX:360,scaleX:1,scaleY:1}, ease:Cubic.easeOut, onComplete:finishSetup,onUpdate:handleUpdate});			
    private function handleUpdate():void


    I get this error:

    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    at com.greensock::TweenProxy3D/calibrateRegistration()[/users/Matt/Documents/Adobe Flash Builder 4/vshocILM/src/com/greensock/TweenProxy3D.as]

    at com.greensock::TweenProxy3D/calibrate()[/users/Matt/Documents/Adobe Flash Builder 4/vshocILM/src/com/greensock/TweenProxy3D.as]

    at com.greensock::TweenProxy3D()[/users/Matt/Documents/Adobe Flash Builder 4/vshocILM/src/com/greensock/TweenProxy3D.as]

    at com.greensock::TweenProxy3D$/create()[/users/Matt/Documents/Adobe Flash Builder 4/vshocILM/src/com/greensock/TweenProxy3D.as]


    Any thoughts I know it may be becasue it is looking for a display object and I am using the flex framework. if so is there a way around this to achieve the same effect. Currently I can get it to flip but its flips from the top left not the center as expected

  2. Sorry. My mind is a little scattered. Animoto's Filmstrip is a snap-in frame dumper that captures images of a container and dumps them to bitmapdata.


    here is the link



    They require you to modify the tweenlite code to use their pulsecontrol class that lets you walk through the animation at FilmStrips own pace. It requires you to replace any enterframes or time lookups with a call to their pulsecontrol. The problem is that their code is for the gs package and a little out of date. I really like their code because i dont have to step through on a frame basis and allows me to use second based tweens instead of frame based. (ease of implementation for our clients) I really want to only have to modify the timelinelite code and not touch the tweenlite classes as this would mean distributing a "patched" version of the tweenlite class to our clients which i dont want to do.


    I know you are a fan of Moses Gunesch and this is his code. I have much respect for both of you. Any help I could get would be great.

  3. I have a question i am building a rendering system in as3 and have modules that I am loading into a core TimelineLite timeline. I want to use Animoto's filmstrip to capture the frames but it says that you must extend the Tweening Engine to use it. Thats fine but I just wanted to know if i could extend the TimelineLite class and leave the base tween classes alone. Our clients will be able to build modules for this without any knowledge of the render itself and i dont want to have to make them extend their tween classes just to use it.


    Any thoughts?

  4. I am having a problem with motion blur. I have a sprite that i am tweening with TweenLite and using the MotionBlurPlugin on and for some reason when i run this code:


    text is a sprite with two textfields in it:
    timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(text,1,{alpha:1,x:350,motionBlur:true,dropShadowFilter:{color:0x000000, alpha:1, blurX:5, blurY:5, distance:5},ease:Strong.easeOut}),3.5);


    The animation happens but then the sprite disappears after the tween is done.


    Can anyone shed some light on this?

  5. I have a problem I am creating a slideshow that loads a group of images and places them into a TimeLineLite timeline before the slideshow is ran. I have the slideshow running appropriately but I need to be able to resize the container that is displaying the images. the structure looks something like this:


    Slideshow - Class extends Sprite

    - BG - Sprite

    - container - Sprite

    -- img 1 - Sprite

    -- img 2 - Sprite

    -- img 3 - Sprite

    -- ect.

    - masker - Sprite (masks the Slideshow sprite)


    what i am trying to do is call a resize function on the Slideshow class the will resize the mask, bg, and the images inside the container appropriately and keep the slideshow moving the entire time. I can accomplish this when i do not play the timeline but when it is playing the images jitter.


    the code that i am using for the resize is as follows:


    From the outside class calling the resize function on the Slideshow

    b = new Rectangle(0,0,480,270);
    private function resizeImg():void

    here is the slideshow class that i am using to make the slideshow

    import com.greensock.TimelineLite;
    import com.greensock.TweenLite;
    import com.greensock.easing.Linear;
    import com.greensock.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin;
    import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.system.LoaderContext;
    public class Slideshow extends Sprite
    	 * Rotator Constants 
    	private const TRANSITION_TIME:Number = 1;
    	private var DISPLAY_TIME:Number = 5;
    	private var DURATION:Number = 42.748
    	private const EASE_TYPE:Function = Linear.easeNone;
    	 * Transition Types 
    	private const RANDOM:String = 'random';
    	private const FADE:String = 'fade';
    	private const CROSSFADE:String = 'crossfade';
    	 * Arrays
    	private var images:Array = new Array();
    	private var imageLoaders:Array = new Array();
    	private var imageSlides:Array = new Array();
    	private var loadedSlides:Array = new Array();
    	private var imageAttributes:Array = new Array();
    	public var timeline:TimelineLite;
    	public var container:Sprite;
    	private var masker:Sprite;
    	private var loadingImage:Number;
    	private var curImage:Number;
    	private var imageTotal:Number;
    	private var lastDir:Number = 0;
    	private var frameRate:Number = 24;
    	private var bg:Sprite;
    	private var imgCont:Sprite;
    	public function Slideshow(tgt:Sprite)
    		timeline = new TimelineLite({useFrames:true});
    		timeline.paused = true;
    		container = new Sprite();
    		masker = new Sprite();
    		bg = new Sprite();
    		bg.name = 'bg';
    		var g:Graphics = bg.graphics;
    		this.mask = masker;
    	private function init():void
    		curImage = 0;
    		loadingImage = 0;
    		imageTotal = Math.ceil(DURATION/DISPLAY_TIME);
    	private function setImages():void
    	private function loadImage():void
    		var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
    		var ctx:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(true);
    		var img:String = images[loadingImage];
    		ldr.load(new URLRequest(img),ctx)
    	private function imageLoaded(e:Event):void
    		var loader:Loader = Loader(e.target.loader);
    		var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(loader.content);
    		var obj:Object = {image:image.bitmapData};
    	private function imageFailed(e:IOErrorEvent):void
    	private function loadNextImage():void
    		var loadLength:Number = imageTotal < images.length ? imageTotal : images.length;
    		if(loadingImage < loadLength)
    			if(curImage < imageTotal)
    				var left:Number = imageTotal - curImage;
    				while(left > 0)
    			timeline.timeScale = timeline.duration / convertSeconds(DURATION);
    			dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
    	private function addItem():void
    		/* Build Sprite */
    		var isStatic:Boolean;
    		var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
    		var currentImage:Object;
    		if(curImage == 0 || curImage == imageTotal - 1)
    			isStatic = true;
    			currentImage = imageSlides[0];
    			isStatic = false;
    			currentImage = imageSlides[curImage % imageSlides.length];
    		var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(currentImage.image);
    		b.smoothing = true;
    		s.alpha = 0;
    		var imageObject:Object = new Object;
    		imageObject.image = s;
    		imageObject.direction = getDirection();
    		imageObject.params = setSlideParams(imageObject,isStatic);
    		/* Add Item to timeline */
    	private function addToTimeline(img:Object,noMovement:Boolean=false):void
    		var trans:Array = [FADE,CROSSFADE];
    		var itm:Number = curImage == 1 ? 1 : Math.floor((Math.random()*2)-1) + 1;
    		var offset:Number;
    			case FADE:
    				offset = 0;
    			case CROSSFADE:
    				offset = -1;
    		var duration:Number = convertSeconds(DISPLAY_TIME - offset);
    		var Delay:Number = duration - convertSeconds(1);
    	private function setSlideParams(obj:Object,isStatic:Boolean):Object
    		var o:Object = new Object();
    		var direction:Number = obj.direction;
    		var tgt:Sprite = obj.image;
    		if(direction == 1) 
    			o.sX = Math.ceil((masker.width - tgt.width)/2);
    			o.sY = 0;
    			o.dX = String(0);
    			o.dY = String(masker.height - tgt.height);
    			//BOTTOM TO TOP
    		} else if (direction == 2) 
    			o.sX = Math.ceil((masker.width - tgt.width)/2);
    			o.sY = masker.height - tgt.height;
    			o.dX = String(0);
    			o.dY = String(-(masker.height - tgt.height));
    			//LEFT TO RIGHT
    		} else if (direction == 3) 
    			o.sX = masker.width - tgt.width;
    			o.sY = Math.ceil((masker.height - tgt.height)/2);
    			o.dX = String(-(masker.width - tgt.width));
    			o.dY = String(0);
    			//RIGHT TO LEFT
    		} else if(direction == 4)
    			o.sX = 0;
    			o.sY = Math.ceil((masker.height - tgt.height)/2);
    			o.dX = String(masker.width - tgt.width);
    			o.dY = String(0);
    			tgt.x = o.sX;
    			tgt.y = o.sY;
    			tgt.x = Math.round(masker.width/2 - tgt.width/2);
    			tgt.y = Math.round(masker.height/2 - tgt.height/2);
    		return o;
    	private function getDirection():Number
    		var dir:Number = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1);
    		if(dir != lastDir)
    			lastDir = dir;
    			return dir;
    		return getDirection();
    	private function convertSeconds(n:Number):Number
    		return n * frameRate;
    	public function resize(w:Number,h:Number):void
    		masker.width = bg.width = w;
    		masker.height = bg.height = h;
    		var curTime:Number = timeline.currentTime;
    		timeline = new TimelineLite({useFrames:true});
    		curImage = 0;
    		for(var i:Number = 0; i < imageAttributes.length; i++)
    			var isStatic:Boolean = false;
    			if(curImage == 0 || curImage == imageTotal - 1)
    				isStatic = true;	
    			var img:DisplayObject = imageAttributes[i].image;
    			imageAttributes[i].params = setSlideParams(imageAttributes[i],isStatic);
    			/* Add Item to timeline */
    		timeline.timeScale = timeline.duration / convertSeconds(DURATION);
    		//timeline.currentTime = curTime;


    What i am doing on resize is actually killing the timeline and creating a new one since the properties of each images movement is predetermined before the timeline is created. I get a start X and Y position and then determine how far each image has to move then use those numbers to populate the tweens for the timeline. I get the current position of the old timeline and store that number to be used to reset the new timeline to the right position and repeat that every time the resize event is called. It is very jittery and am wondering if there is a better way of going about this. I just purchased a Shockingly Green membership to the Greensock club. And am wondering if the dymaincProps plugin could help. I could really use some assistance on this as this is an important piece to a very large product being built with a LOOMING DEADLINE!


    Thanks in advance!


    Matt Moon.

  6. Hello,


    First off I want to tell you how much your product has simplified my life. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! But now I have hit a sort of road block. I am building a "image-stitched" video like presentation with timelineLite and I need to be able to update the duration of the timeline to the duration of my audio file after I build the timeline. Every time I set a duration it doesn't seem to get honored. I can trace the totalDuration before the set and it is always the same after also. Any ideas? i looked through the timelinelite code and it looks as if it set the timescale should i try to just manually set the timescale myself?

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