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Posts posted by ideagonal

  1. Yep, that's it!

    And so bad for me it's in the GSAP docs:


    Notes / tips:

    • Passing values as Strings and a preceding "+=" or "-=" will make the tween relative to the current value. For example, if you do TweenLite.to(element, 2, {left:"-=20px"}); it'll tween left to 20 pixels less than whatever it is when the tween starts. {x:"+=20"} would add 20.


    I should know better RTFM!

    Thanks for your help.

    • Like 1
  2. Well, I've prepared a pen with 2 inline SVGs.


    See the Pen OgmXRQ by ideagonal (@ideagonal) on CodePen


    The first one is a reduced example of what I want and it is working and shows what I want, each pair of circles moves from a relative point (y:-20) to its initial position.

    The second one is a Sketch SVG graphic where I can't get it to work. The second and third row starts moving from the top, instead of its initial position -20, despite of using "transformOrigin".

    It seems a <g> can't have x and y values, so I think this is the problem. The Sketch generated graphic positions the <g> using "translate".

    Is there a way to do this other way?

  3. No, no, sorry for the misunderstanding. I just used Hype to show what I want to get with just GSAP and a SVG. I want to move several groups <g> inside a SVG but using its own position as a reference, e.g. its actual "y" position +50px.

  4. Hello, I've started to learn gsap in order to animate SVGs. I'm stuck trying to translate an element relative to itself. I've uploaded to Gifs as examples, "test_hype.gif" shows what I want (using tumult hype, I'm a graphic designer) and "test_gsap.gif" shows what I've managed to get using gsap so far. As it seems "translationOrigin: "50% 50%" affects rotation but not translation, where always takes the surrounding SVG coords as reference.

    The code I'm using is:

    var circle = $("#circle"),
    	clase1 = $(".clase-1"),
    	clase2 = $(".clase-2"),
    	clase3 = $(".clase-3"); 
    TweenLite.from(clase1, 2, {y:0});
    TweenLite.from(clase2, 2, {y:0});
    TweenLite.from(clase3, 2, {y:0, transformOrigin: "50% 50%"});
    TweenLite.to(circle, 1, {rotation: 180, transformOrigin: "50% 50%"});


    As you can see "clase3" starts to move from the same y coord than the others.

    Maybe I should dig deeper in the docs but I haven´t found so far why this is not working.

    Thanks in advance, Alejandro Godoy.



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