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Posts posted by jpfiorilla

  1. componentDidMount(){
        this.controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
        this.circleTween = TweenMax.to('.yellowHollowCircle', 2, { transform: `+=translateY(400px)`, ease: Power3.easeOut, paused: true });
        this.circleTimeline = new TimelineMax().add(this.circleTween, 0);
        // tells state if scrolling up/down
        this.circleScene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ offset: 0, duration: 1 })
                                          .on('update', e => {
                                              let { scrollPos } = e, { lastScrollPos } = this.state;
                                              let scrolling = lastScrollPos > scrollPos ? 'up' : 'down';
                                              this.setState({ lastScrollPos: scrollPos, scrolling });
        // on stopScroll event, execute arrow function callback
        scrollStop(() => {
            console.log('stopped scrolling ' + this.state.scrolling, this.circleTimeline.progress());



    I narrowed the code down to only what's going on to make it easier to read. On pageload, the `.yellowHollowCircle` moves 400px instantly, and scrolling up and down yields the logs below. Appreciate any help on this ! :?

    Screen Shot 2017-06-16 at 11.22.50 AM.png

  2. Edit: See below for the most legible version of the code!




    I'm trying to play a tween whenever the user stops scrolling. Eventually I'll play from 0-1 on scrolling down, and from 1-0 on scrolling up. Currently I'm experiencing some unexpected behavior however. See the code below.


    The `ScrollMagic.Scene` tells the component whether the user is scrolling up or down, and `scrollStop()` is calling the arrow callback whenever the user stops scrolling.


    Contrary to my tween config, the scene ignores `paused: true` and moves `.yellowHollowCircle` 400px immediately on pageload (much faster than the 2 seconds it should be taking).


    Scrolling up and down yields the console.logs seen in the attached screenshot, and no further movement. Do you understand why `.play(0)` is not playing the tween from the beginning like I expect?


    const reverb = function(object, amount = 10, time = randomBetween(2, 3), timeMax){
        let tweenName = object + 'ReverbTween' + this._reactInternalInstance._debugID,
            sceneName = object + 'ReverbScene' + this._reactInternalInstance._debugID;
        if (!this.controller) this.controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
        if (timeMax) time = randomBetween(time, timeMax);
        this[tweenName] = TweenMax.to(object, time, { transform: `+=translateY(${amount}px)`, ease: Power3.easeOut, paused: true });
        this[sceneName] = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ offset: 0, duration: 1 })
                                          .on('update', e => {
                                              let { scrollPos } = e, { lastScrollPos } = this.state;
                                              let scrolling = lastScrollPos > scrollPos ? 'up' : 'down';
                                              this.setState({ lastScrollPos: scrollPos, scrolling });
    // just calls callback once user stops scrolling
    const scrollStop = function ( callback ) {
        if ( !callback || Object.prototype.toString.call( callback ) !== '[object Function]' ) return;
        var isScrolling;
        window.addEventListener('scroll', function ( event ) {
            window.clearTimeout( isScrolling );
            isScrolling = setTimeout(function() {
            }, 66);
        }, false);
    class SuperFunTime extends React.Component {
        constructor(props) {
            this.reverb = globals.reverb.bind(this);
              this.reverb('.yellowHollowCircle', 400, 2);
              globals.scrollStop(() => {
                  console.log('stopped scrolling ' + this.state.scrolling, this['.yellowHollowCircle' + 'ReverbTween' + this._reactInternalInstance._debugID].progress());
                  this['.yellowHollowCircle' + 'ReverbTween' + this._reactInternalInstance._debugID].play(0);



    Screen Shot 2017-06-16 at 11.03.05 AM.png

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