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Posts posted by malcr001

  1. Hi im trying to use youre example to apply what is shown on the first post that shows the code but cant get it to work could you make an example using my first post?

  2. HI I have an animation that takes place one after the other how do I use yoyo after the last animation has completed?


    var timeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({onComplete:rewinds});


    //Tweening movieclip file from one movieclips x, y position to another

    timeline.append(new TweenMax (file, 2, {dynamicProps:{x:getNode1XPosition, y:getNode1YPosition}}));

    timeline.append(new TweenMax (file, 2, {dynamicProps:{x:getNode2XPosition, y:getNode2YPosition}}));

    timeline.append(new TweenMax (file, 2, {dynamicProps:{x:getNode3XPosition, y:getNode3YPosition}}));

    timeline.append(new TweenMax (file, 2, {dynamicProps:{x:getNode4XPosition, y:getNode4YPosition}}));

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