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Posts posted by davids701124

  1. Hi there,


    I'm trying gs and I don't know why I can't use jquery to select the element. I must use getElementById??

    //This doesn't work
    var cancel = $("#cancel");
    //This works
    var cancel = document.getElementById("cancel");
    cancel.onclick = function(){ ani.reverse(); console.log('cancel'); }
  2. I have 2 functions to define 2 effects that turning my mc(included textfields) in rotationY,

    it looks nice when it is turning, however, after turn it back the text look blury. How could I fix this?


    This is my 2 functions

    private function onTurn(e:MouseEvent):void{
    		TweenMax.to(_board, 1, {x: _board.width, rotationY:180});
    		TweenMax.to(_container, 1, {alpha:0, x: _board.width, rotationY:180});
    		_min.visible = true;
    		TweenMax.to(_min, 3, {alpha:1});
    		_scroll._up.visible = _scroll._down.visible = false;
    		_bLoaders[Number(e.currentTarget.id)].visible = true;
    		currentLoader = _bLoaders[Number(e.currentTarget.id)];
    	private function turnBack(e:MouseEvent):void{
    		TweenMax.to(_board, 1, {x:0, rotationY:0});
    		TweenMax.to(_container, 1, {alpha:1,x:0, rotationY:0});
    		_min.visible = false;
    		_min.alpha = 0;
    		_scroll._up.visible = _scroll._down.visible = true;
    		currentLoader.visible = false;

  3. hi guys,


    I wanna a movie clip rotates +10 each time when I am executing the function, for now my

    movie clip just can do rotation 1 time. I tried to use 10++ but it's not work.


    TweenMax.to( Mc, .5, {rotation:10});

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