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Posts posted by eerdepeer

  1. Really weird,

    I created an mc with multiple mc's in it that contain multiple textboxes. The textboxes must tween from outside of the page to the center of it. To do this I added this:


    TweenLite.to(bodytext.nl2, showTextTime, {x:0, ease:Cubic.easeInOut, overwrite:0});


    The weird thing is that the textboxes (which are also converted to mc's) inside bodytext.nl2 tween with a different speed. They end at x:0, so that's okay. Is this an ease problem :?:

  2. I am building a menu where the buttons come out and grow in height (vertically), and then grow in width (horizontally) and after that they display text and an image. The buttons are positioned next to each other, but they may not overlap the neighbor button. I have added a close-up of the menu.


    The background (in this button the picture of the building) is hovering up and then growing in with so it becomes the with of all the three buttons. After this screenshot, the text fades in.


    Is there a way to start the tweening of the next hovered button only if all the other buttons are hovered back in place (so they won't overlap each other)?


    So for example: in the screenshot the "Contact" has almost completely finished its tweening. When the mouse cursor hovers over the "About" button, the Contact button has to tween back 'into the contact button' first, before the About button is allowed to start its tweening.


    My question: how on earth can I do that? The use of onComplete is useless, because you don't know which of the buttons will be hovered next. :?:

  3. Hi, I'm trying to tint a button object on hover, but when I tint the object and give the dropShadowFilter another tint, the dropshadow's tint will be overruled by the tint of the object.


    For example:

    TweenMax.to(mc, 1, {tint:0xFFFFFF, delay:1, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x000000, alpha:1, blurX:2, blurY:2, strength:1, angle:45, distance:4}});


    The dropshadow will be white (0xFFFFFF) after two seconds. What I want is the object to become white and the dropshadow to become black. How can I do this?

  4. I don't know if you already found your solution, but I still post my foundings for other people with the same problem:


    After updating from version 10.xx to 11.133 I got the same message. A whole lot of those actually. The problem was that v10 didn't mention that of a bunch of buttons (named pms0, pms1, pms2, pms3) only the first two had an instance name. version 10 didn't mention anything about it. After putting traces all over the place, I discovered this. So it has got to be something similar like my problem. Good luck!

  5. Hi, I'm working with Flex builder and Flash CS4 and am trying to get TweenMax.allTo get to work, but it just won't.


    Normal tweening with TweenMax works well, but when I use this code:

    TweenMax.allTo([cards.card2.gegevens, cards.card3.gegevens], 0.5, {alpha:0, ease:Strong.easeOut});


    the Flash output says something like: allTo is not a function.


    It looks like I have to import something more than just gs.* and gs.easing because the allTo is not becoming blue in Flex. If I type TweenMax.to, than to becomes blue.


    PS: I have "Keep imports organised" on in Flex' preference panel, but stupid Flex isn't automatically importing anything at all. :?:

  6. Hi there,


    I am building a website, and using a lot of TweenLite tweens. But sometimes (i.e. for the advanced overwrite manager) I am using the TweenMax tween. That makes me wonder if it is still usefull for me to use TweenLite, or to replace all the TweenLite tweens in TweenMax tweens? Does it matter?


    PS: thanks "Greensock-man", I am having lots of fun with the use of TweenLite! :D

  7. Wow, thanks for fixing that so quickly! This custom ease isn't what I'm looking for actually, the tweening method is too soft/round.


    Is there maybe another way to let my mc's bounce with less amplitude With the bounce ease, my mc's move bounce too far over the x-axys at the ending of the tween. It's a tougher job to get this done than I thought. :roll:

  8. I really need some help here. Tried to figure this out myself, but I can't. :(


    I've successfully created a nice little tween with this code: TweenLite.from(sm.origin, 1, {x:500, ease:Bounce.easeOut, delay:1});

    The problem is that the bounce ease is too wide. The mc comes from x:500 and goes to x:-50 (for about) and then stops at x:0.

    I'd like this ease to relax a bit, but still bounce in the end. The speed and the origin distance need to stay these values.


    I tried to tweak the bounce by adding some figures: TweenLite.from(sm.origin, 1, {x:500, ease:Bounce.easeOut(2, 2, 2, 2), delay:1});

    But this doesn't help. The ease becomes linear. (I also don't have any idea what these figures mean)


    Hope someone else does...

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