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Posts posted by hallibus

  1. Hi guys,


    I have the following problem: During an animation, parts move one pixel in Safari. In Chrome I could not detect this behaviour.


    So far I have tried the following, unfortunately without success:


    CSSPlugin.defaultForce3D = false;

    I hope one of you can help me.

    Many thanks in advance.

  2. Guys, thank you very much for your answers. 



    15 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    Good solutions, guys. You can use roundProps if you want the number rounded (or @PointC's toFixed() if you prefer). Here's a super-simple one: 


    See the Pen 619e1802ce10452a468799708af05dc8 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


    Or you could use a SteppedEase. Lots of options :)




    Could you please explain the SteppedEase solution any further?



    Thanks in advance!

  3. Okay I don't know if this is the right way to do it, but I solved the problem via a simple function:


    function pauseLeft() {
    var dummy = document.getElementById('dummy');
        tl = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1, paused: true});
            .to(dummy, 0.5, {x: '+=60', ease:Power3.easeOut, onComplete:pauseLeft}, 0.5)
            .to(dummy, 0.5, {x: '-=60', ease:Power3.easeOut, onComplete:pauseLeft}, 1.5);



    Thanks anyway :)

  4. Hey guys,


    I want to pause the timeline when it's completed.


    tl = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1, paused: true});
            .to(dummy, 0.5, {x: '+=60', ease:Power3.easeOut}, 0.5)
            .to(dummy, 0.5, {x: '-=60', ease:Power3.easeOut}, 1.5)


    The first addPause() works, the one at the end doesn't effect the timeline at all.


    The timeline is paused on load, a click on a button starts it. It pauses on the first addPause, a buttons starts it again but it doesn't pause on the last addPause.


    I hope it's somehow clear what I'm trying to achieve :)


    I'm thankful for any help.

    See the Pen bRaZLd by anon (@anon) on CodePen

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