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Posts posted by enny1

  1. Sorry for the frustration.


    That's odd as I just tried to download from there and it worked fine.


    Please answer these questions so we can better understand the problem and look for a solution.



    What browser and OS are you using?

    When you click the green download button does an overlay appear showing options for downloading?


    Please try getting the download from your account dashboard. Does that link work?



    We will investigate this further.


    To answer your question, yes you do need to download our files and load them into your project.

    However, please understand that we have moved away from Flash for many years and our sole focus is on HTML5 / JS.

    Our Flash / ActionScript tools are still available for use but we do not actively develop or support them any more.



    FYI, there was indeed a temporary problem with the download like (our fault) and it's resolved now. Sorry about that. 


    Thank you for the quick response! Yes the button is working perfectly now, and the link you gave me works as well.


    No worries on the continued support, I was just confused as to how I should even start this thing :D thanks for your help! 

    • Like 2
  2. I'm brand new to actionscript. Trying out really random stuff to build my talent in production.


    Somehow I've failed to pass the first step. The green 'Download' button doesn't work for me! I press it and nothing happens. Is that juts me? Or do I not even need to download anything for this, do I only have to add the "import.blahblahblah" within the package and it searches online? That can't be right...



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