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Posts posted by peterdavidsson

  1. thanks!! I know I'm a bit lazy sometimes.. thats why I'm not writing a function ;) I've understand I need to structure my programming a bit and upgrade my skills.


    That solved my problem for now but I still doesn't know how to pass a value to the function with complete for example:


    TweenMax.to(picturesArray[i].img_bg.another_mc, 2, {x:300, onComplete:setsomeText(picturesArray[i]) } );
    public function setsomeText(myMovieClip):void {
        myMovieClip.text_mc.thetext.htmlText = "hello";



  2. ok! thanks for the reply!!


    I don't really get it to work though, the error i'm getting is:

    1120: Access of undefined property e. (for this: var myTween:TweenMax = new TweenMax(e.target.textbox_mc, 1, { x:0, y:0, alpha:1, overwrite:2, paused: true});)


    1061: Call to a possibly undefined method play through a reference with static type gs:TweenMax. (for myTween.play();)


    Where should I put the var myTween:TweenMax = new TweenMax etc..? right now its at the place where I declare my variables.. I tried put it in a function but that didn't work either...

  3. Hi I'm trying to use the revese function but I get an error saying that the "1120: Access of undefined property myTween." thats for the mouse out function


    here is the code:


    this is on a mouse over:

    var myTween:TweenMax = new TweenMax(e.target.textbox_mc, 1, { x:0, y:0, alpha:1, overwrite:2});


    on mouse out



    does anybody see what i'm doing wrong?

    thanks! /peter

  4. Hi,

    How do I set som variables onComplete without creating a function?


    For example:

    var mytextvar1:String;

    var mytextvar2:String;


    TweenMax.delayedCall(1, {onComplete:mytextvar1 = "red", mytextvar2 = "blue"})


    And how would I change the visibility on complete?

    TweenMax.to(imagesArray.background, 0.25, {alpha:1, onComplete:picturesArray.visible = false})


    (using TweenMax AS3...)


    thankful for any help! ;) /Peter

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