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Posts posted by goliatone

  1. Hi,

    I developed a test class to experiment how to control different TimelineMax instances with sliders. Test class works as expected.

    Then, in the scenario where I use the code the TimelineMax instances start delayed.

    In this implementation i didn't change anything other than from where i get the actual symbol definitions ( from a preloader instead of having the classes inside the same test class )


    So, in the test class if I call _createTimeline( holder, 1,5, false ) the tweens execute inmediatly.

    But in the implementation they have a delay...what could be the cause of that?!



    //This is how i set up different TimelineMax instances, and then relate them to a particular slider instance.
    private function _createTimeline( holder:DisplayObjectContainer, symbolId:int, totalSymbols:int, paused:Boolean = true ):void {
    var clip:MovieClip, symbol:SymbolProxy;
    var tm:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax( { paused:paused } );	
    var colors:Array = ColorUtils.instance.getRandomPalateOf( _colors[symbolId], 5, 0.4, 1.4);
    var alpha:Number, scale:Number, tint:Number;	
    for ( var i:int = 0; i < totalSymbols; i++) {
    	//create movieclip instance.
    	clip = new _symbols[ symbolId ]();
    	//wrap it inside a proxy class that handles effects on tweening properties.
    	symbol = new SymbolProxy( clip, holder );
    	//random initial positions.
    	symbol.initX = clip.x = MathUtils.instance.randomRangeNum( 0, (0 + holder.width - clip.getBounds(clip).width) / 2 );
    	symbol.initY = clip.y = MathUtils.instance.randomRangeNum( 0 + clip.height, 0 + holder.height - clip.getBounds(clip).height );
    	//random final positions.
    	symbol.endX = MathUtils.instance.randomRangeNum( (0 + holder.width - clip.getBounds(clip).width) / 2, 0 + holder.width - clip.getBounds(clip).width );
    	symbol.endY = MathUtils.instance.randomRangeNum( 0 + clip.getBounds(clip).height, 0 + holder.height - clip.getBounds(clip).height );
    	holder.addChild( clip );
    	alpha = MathUtils.instance.randomRangeNum( 0.7, 0.9, 2 );		
    	scale = MathUtils.instance.randomRangeNum( .5, 4.3, 2);
    	tint = colors[i];		
    	tm.addChild( new TweenMax( symbol, 2, { x:symbol.endX, y:symbol.endY, alpha:alpha, rotation:360, scaleX:scale, scaleY:scale } ) );
    	tm.addChild( new TweenMax( symbol.source, 2, { tint:tint } ) );
    //store the TimelineMax instance related to a slider id. 
    _timelines[ "sliders"+symbolId ] = tm; 	
    //here, we handle the timeline current time update.
    private function _handleSliders( e:Event ):void {
    var sl:HSlider = e.target as HSlider;
    //retrieve TimelineMax instance from slider's id
    var tm:TimelineMax = _timelines[ sl.name ];		
    var t:Number = ( 2 * sl.value ) / 100;	
    tm.currentTime = t;					

  2. To answer my own thread...kind of lame. But since i did not see any info about this issue ( other than a similar post, that i just saw and a similar solution now that i think about it... :? )


    The issue seems to be that there were two different versions of the engine loaded in the compiler in the same project.


    I was loading an swf that had compiled in it the previous version. Only thing i had to do is recompile that fla with the new version.




  3. I just updated from 11.09... or so to 11.12.

    When i try to compile a project I get the following error:

    VerifyError: Error #1053: illegal override of resume in com.greensock.TweenMax.


    Obviously, i had no issues before upgrading.


    It is quite a complex project all together, hard to send files.


    Any idea? Also, is there any way i can find a previous version of the engine so i can downgrade?

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