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Posts posted by JoseCordova

  1. 3 minutes ago, ZachSaucier said:

    Here's one approach:




    I'm guessing that won't be the case if you use my version. In general it's best to use the position parameter with timelines as it's more powerful.

    I think yours may be a little more elegant than what I came up with, I really, really, really appreciate your time and help. Thanks a million.

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  2. @ZachSaucier


    It sort of makes sense, but not enough for me to make practical use of the tip. Any help would be appreciated. One other thing I'm noticing. I'm positioning my timelines via labels and I'm finding that that causes a longer delay before the 'words' timeline repeats. Is there a clever way to get around that?


    To clarify, the above is happening when I add the looping words timeline to my master timeline.

  3. I'm going to attempt to recreate this effect: https://2019.lesanimals.digital/en in GSAP.


    I'm assuming my best bet would be a wipe. As you can see in the CodePen embed, at the line's rotate at the end of the timeline. Right now the 'community' text is visible. But I'd be looking to reveal the text when the lines rotate. My idea is to create some type of circular wipe but I'm not quite clear on how I should approach this beyond animating a mask. There are three sets of text (community, ingenuity, and honesty). Ideally the text underneath will be revealed when the transition/wipe occurs.


    So if I was to transition from 'honesty' -> 'ingenuity' - the honesty text would 'wipe out' and the ingenuity text would 'wipe in' so that the ingenuity text would become visible as the honesty text was becoming invisible.


    I'm not sure how clear I'm being, but I'd be happy to clarify.


    Thanks in advance!

    See the Pen LYpevoP?editors=1011 by meatjasenmp (@meatjasenmp) on CodePen

  4. There are additional lines that I need to mask, but you're right about the viewbox. I'm reducing the size now and seeing if that is a part of my issue. I'll circle back if I still can't resolve it. Again, thanks for your help.

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