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Posts posted by kalreg

  1. I use Vue.js and GSAP to make my app working and faced such a problem:

    		/* load started hook */
            this.tl = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1});
            this.tl.staggerFromTo(bubbles, 0.6, { opacity: 0, scale: 0 }, { opacity: 1, scale: 1, ease: Elastic.easeOut }, 0.05)
            this.tl.staggerTo(bubbles, 0.6, { scale: 0, opacity: 0, ease: Elastic.easeIn }, 0.1)



    This simply makes loader and 3 bubbles scaling and changing opacity. All works fine. But since Timeline is created with repeat: -1 it runs forever. What i want to achieve is that if loading ended hook is invoked my animation still runs, but also another timeline is injected so everything fades away (opacity to 0 while still making main animation runing).


    What I achieved already is:

             /* load ended hook */
    		 this.tl.to(bubbles), 1, {opacity: 0 })

    It works almost fine however (as expected) animation from loading hook started runs to the end for the one last time, and then fades away "bubbles".


    What i want to achieve is to run two animations simultaneously - one, from loading started hook to the end, and second fading away - in the same time, but if everything is done - kill both animations.


    Do i have to make two different TimelineMax()'es ? 


  2. Thank you for reply, but actually that doesnt solve the issue. In fact i did an error in my pen and "from" y-offset is same as "to", but even if i change the first one to 0 and second to 7px it still wont animate. Also color of shadow doesnt change. The only thing that is tweened correctly is background color. 
    I updated pen so you can check the correct version that doesnt work:


    See the Pen pWNKgW by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen

    If you check animation you can see that i want to tween size of shadow from 10 to 20px (y-offset). Instead i get 10px and no animation. Can you please advice how to animate y-offset?


  3. Hi,


    I met a problem while trying to animate filter: drop-shadow css value. Pls check codepen.


    What i am trying to achieve is to animate y position of shadow (making it bigger) and it's color. This pen is trying to shadow div, while in my project i try to shadow svg, but both examples works the same way - they stay as "from" value suggests and ignore "to" values. 

    If i try to make it only with .to instead .fromTo  there is also no animation - just at the end of animation shadows appear in final stage.


    Any ideas how to solve it?


    See the Pen pWNKgW by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen

  4. Hi guys,


    After a while messing with gsap i am back with problem creating a certain animation. I guess it is more general problem with oop programing, however i count on your help.

    Main problem is that codepen works as it should, and if i run it in my browser it behaves differently.  Here's the description of problem.


    I have object pop that maintains allfunction for #pop DOM element like creation, different slides, closing and so on. I want to have it divided for different methods for opening  and closing before between them there are different functions.


    In my pen i want to remove #pop element from DOM with this.closePop() function after a while. But if i call it like this:


       this.closePop = function() {
               var tl = new TimelineMax();
               tl.add(this.removePop(), 2)
         return tl;


    function this.removePop is executed immidiately so it is removed before animation is started. If I change it to:


       this.closePop = function() {
               var tl = new TimelineMax();
               tl.add(this.removePop, 2)
         return tl;


    in pen it works good - element is removed at the end in animation, but in my browser it is not. Why? Because this.removePop is called with this which is Timeline object, not popClass object. So it returns error  that removePop is undefined for timeline obj.. it is correct, but why does it change scope?

    I understand that it is hard to help me if pen works as it should but maybe you have some ideas that may pupush me into write direction.

    EDIT: i put here second codepen, shorter so maybe it would be easier to discover the problem:

    See the Pen KvOwKM?editors=1111 by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen


    Func2 is called in timeline obj context so it cant call this.func3  - please check your own console.log. Here this error "works" so maybe it will be easier to help me:)

    DID IT BY MYSELF - TimelineMax.call() did the job. Thank you!

    See the Pen qXeWgN?editors=1111 by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen

  5. Actually after more research

    mainTimeline = exportRoot({ onComplete: callback })

     works quite fine for my needs as well as queue engine and event listener (end on main timeline). It needs some modifications but it is a good start. Hope that helps anybody.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi,


    I wonder if i can check for any currently active timelines. Here is why:


    I have many timelines, with many calls to different functions and all they refer to different DOM objects. Now i want to prevent playing new animations (or queue it) if any other animation is currently being played. Since i havent found anything useful in documentation (except exportRoot but that doesnt suits my need) i want to know if i can check if any timeline of any DOM is currently being played.  

    I think about something like this:

    if ( TweenMax.isActive() ) { 
     // add new animation to queue
    } else {
     // call new animation

    Is that somehow possible?


  7. Hi Jack. Thank you for fast reply. Stagger wouldnt apply in my case because stagger accepts dom objects instead of functions, however my approach from first post wasnt working because of my error - your listing shows it works and i coded it on codepen and it magically worked - then i studied my case and found simple human error. So thank you and consider it solved




    Dummy Kalreg... dummy Kalreg... 

    • Like 1
  8. Hello,


    I am wondering if there is a way to put tl.add() command into a loop to have cascade start of animation like this:

    var abc = {
     xyz: function (obj) {
      var tl = new TimelineMax();
      tl.fromTo(obj, 3, { opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 })
      return tl
    var tl = new TimelineMax();
    DOMS.each(function (index) {
       tl.add(abc.xyz(DOMS[index]), "+=" + index) 
    } )

    Consider DOMs as array of any DOM objects.


    However this approach doesnt work.

    Same effect may be achieved with this:

       tl.add(abc.xyz(DOMS[0]), "+=0")    
       tl.add(abc.xyz(DOMS[1]), "+=1")    
       tl.add(abc.xyz(DOMS[2]), "+=2") 
    But i am searching for more dynamic way depending on length of DOMS array. Is that possible to have time position dynamically set?
    I do not post codepen, i hope it is obvious what is the problem here :)
  9. Probably setting 


    var mainAnimation = new TimelineMax({autoRemoveChildren: true});
    fix the issue, but until more tests i wont make this thread solved. However still in my opinion it should work anyways without setting autoRemoveChildren.
  10. Hi all,

    While making my project i use my own queueing function, which was made with help of this forum. Although it works as expected for most of time it sometimes crashes. It wouldnt be strange if it wouldnt crash in completely random moments.


    You can check my codepen, here is description what is going on, and later my expectation and where bug possibly exists.




    1. I create mainAnimation timeline. It will hold information if any added earlier animation is being played. It prevents to play multiple animations in the same moment.

    2. I call queue.add(box.move, 100). Add is queue object method for adding both function (first parameter) and parameter (second parameter).

    3. queue.add simply adds parameters to an array called queue.array like { fnc: box.move, vars: 100 } and later calls queue.next  

    4. queue.next checks if mainAnimation is being played. If so do nothing (wait), otherwise add first animation from queue.array to mainAnimation, and add queue.next to the end od mainAnimation.

    5. that loop works as long as there is anything to add.




    As you probably see i added 43 times queue.add(box.move, POSITION) at the end of js file; There is console.log that counts length of array with each queue.next call. It should count from 43 to 0 . Why 43? Just because this bug doesnt happen everytime - sometimes happen, sometimes not, so 43 is just for more chance to run into bug :) What is bug? Watch carefully for countdown if it goes from 43 to 0. If it stops on random number (20, 27, 32 or any other) - you were witness of buggy behaviour. If it doesnt happen when you run it for first time, try second or third... after ten times bug will surely occur.



    Why does it stop running next and next animation? It should run through all 43 steps to the last one. not stop earlier, and surely it shouldnt sometimes run from 43 to 0, and later from 43 to 25 and so on. The problem is in condition mainAnimation.isActive() - line 20 of codepen. Although duration() is same as time() (check console log) and totalprogress() return 1, isActive return true. 

    I expect that if queue.next is added to mainAnimation after calling queue.add it will be called after completion of queue.add. If so there should not be any activity in mainAnimation. Although for most of situatuin it works as intended, sometimes it is not.


    To be honest i have no idea  why same calls returns different behaviour. Am i missing something or is it in fact a bug? If not, how to correct my function to run animation through all steps - from first to last each time i run my program?

    Any ideas from gsap masters of wisdom ? :)

    See the Pen wJXbbx?editors=1111 by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen

  11. First of all i want to thank you a lot for both - solutions and explanations. It shed o lot of light for not only gsap, but also other javascript functions.


    @Carl: Your solution works perfectly fine. And all that because fn.callback() instead of fn.callback. I was so close :). Sorry was not clarifying what is desired result, next time i will describe it more clearly. Thank you so much, also fo private message.


    @OSUBlake: I like your solution with promises very... promising. I tried to adapt your first codepen to my project, however thinking in promises way is quite new for me. Anyways i think that such a solution is perfect one for queueing like mine. I digged a little bit but the thing that blocked me is dynamic chaining. What do i mean.

    In your example you have

      .then ({ some code })
      .then ({ some code })
      .then ({ some code })
      .then ({ some code })
    It works perfectly clear to me, however it is a programmer who decides how many "thens" there is (in that case - four), not a user or any variable. Is there a way to - for example - if i click button twice add second "then" (second promise?) to first one? And if there is third click in a meantime - the third promise will be added? I am talking about about promises added to promises. I hope you know what i mean. I know that it is not a gsap question, however i count for any advice or links to pens/tutorials
    @PointC: i also known that something like promises is there somewhere but didnt know how or when to use it. thanks to blake my studpidity is a little bit smaller :)



    Once again - you all of you are like my personal heroes.. with green cape :)

    • Like 1
  12. Hi guys,


    I am still struggling with queueing callbacks and next (nested) timelines however strange problem occured to me.


    Please check my codepen:

    On line 20 you have isActive() check, however if animation is being played (press m to start animation, and press it again to queue next part, during first play) you can see that the result of check is always false. Why is that? I tried with some solution with export root, however without any luck. How to get true when animation is being played?


    There is also different problem. On line 28 there is tl.play() command. I added it because my animation didnt even started without it, i do not know why. I would expect that after adding lines 24 and 27 it would automatically run, but it didnt. Why didnt it run and is that really necessery to play it via tl.play? What is interesting to me, if i unhash line 25 (which is "tl.to" command) it will run without tl.play(), but i need to use tl.add/call instead of tl.to - i need real callbacks instead of animation.


    I guess both problems are connected - after unhashing tl.to isActive returns true -  but i leave it to you - ppl with wisdom. Hope to get any suggestions from you.


    EDIT: i commented whole pen for you guys to make it more clear. Hope it helps

    See the Pen OpzqNM?editors=1111 by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen

  13. Yes, i do want to queue tweens, but also callbacks. I've been thinking about storing in array tweens or animated dom objects and removing them when animation finishes, but i hoped that gsap has some more simple solutions to queue both callbacks and tweens in one chain. 


    Here is next pen for you guys:


    See the Pen gmoLdY?editors=1111 by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen


    I want to have queued:

    -- first call of obj.myFunc

    change color of text to red (call myFunc) and then

    change color of text to red (call myFunc2) and then

    change color of text to red (call myFunc3) and then

    -- second call of obj.myFunc

    change color of text to red (call myFunc) and then

    change color of text to red (call myFunc2) and then

    change color of text to red (call myFunc3) and then

    -- first call of obj.myFunc4
    change color of text to magenta


    All callbacks are queued in order i started them honouring that myFunc calls myFunc2, it calls myFunc3 and when it finishes - call again myFunc and so on... Is that even possible? I am sitting with it for 24hours now and no luck:(

  14. It clears a little, but unfortunatelly doesnt solve my problem. First of all thank you PointC for "this" usage, and Jack for so complete explanation. 


    Jack: I use mainAnimation as a controller that is telling me if any animation is in progress. Because i can animate many divs from different kinds and purposes i need to know if any animation is in progress. So i add any tween to mainAnimation. If for example button is currently animated, and user clicks different button i do not want to play second button animation immidiately, but i want it go to queue. When first button finishes animation, the second will be animated since i added all animation tweens to mainAnimation. 

    I didnt know that mainAnimation is in progress all the time - i thought if there is nothing added (or all animations have ended) it stops untill next tween is added.


    Anyways what i want to achieve is (i try to simplify everything as much as possible):


    1. add tweens on click event attached to button

    2. if user clicks button check conditions:

        a/ if none of the buttons is currently animated - start animating it by adding tweens of button to mainAnimation

        b/ if any button (or any other entity) is currently animated (which means that it is added to mainAnimation), add currently clicked entity tweening to end of queue in mainAnimation



    1. there may be different objects animated - divs, buttons, different classes, it is hard to find something in common for isActive() usage;

    2. tweens, are not only animations, but also normal code like defining variables depending on what is going on, creating dom objects, so if i add something to the end of mainAnimation i expect all the code will be executed in moment of starting the animation (when all other animation finishes). So any variable/dom check refers to the moment that certain tween is being played, not checked in moment of adding tween to mainAnimation.


    I updated codepen: 

    See the Pen VpyLER?editors=0011 by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen


    What i do is:

    1. i press key "m" which calls tripple times myFunc with red, later green and later blue parameter

    2. right after pressing "m" i press "n" which calls myFunc3.


    What i expect:

    1. myFunc is called 3 times with different color. Because each myFunc also adds call of myFunc2 i expect that it would add MyFunc("red") to mainAnimation, then myFunc2, then("green"), and myFunc2 again and so on. 

    2. because myFunc3 is called after myFunc and myFunc2 it should be added at the end of mainAnimation so expected behaviour should be:


    Text change:

    from white to red
    from black to orange
    from orange to green
    from black to orange
    from black to blue
    from blue to magenta
    and console output should be:
    As you can see on codepen both output and color behaviour is completely different.
    Is that possible to achieve what i expect?

    Thank you!


  15. Hi guys. Probably Carl seeing my new post is starting to shake but where can i go and ask if not here? :)


    I am still struggling with .call and .add but cant figure out how to use it correctly.


    I've attached codepen for you to understand a problem.


    Here is short description. If i press "m" call of obj.myFunc on mainAnimation should be started which should set color of text in body to red after 2 seconds.


    That never happens. If you check more closely whole obj.myFunc is not even called: Now, if i change:

    mainAnimation.call(obj.myFunc, ["abcd"], "+=2")


    mainAnimation.call(obj.myFunc(), ["abcd"], "+=2")
    myFunc is called, but without any parameter and without 2 second delay.


    Now, if i change it to:

    mainAnimation.call(obj.myFunc("abcd"), [], "+=2")
    myFunc is called with parameter ("abcd"), but still - no 2 second delay.
    What am i missing? 
    I intend to add a call of function to mainAnimation with some delay.
    Also Carl said that using .call(func) is good instead of .call(func()) which is bad. Why is that bad? What is the difference? 




    See the Pen VpyLER?editors=0010 by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen

  16. So maybe in simpler words.


    1. I want to have master timeline that is nesting other tweens.

    2. Those tweens may be special or normal

    3. normal tween is added to master timeline (at the end of it)

    4. special tween should be played immidiately in moment it is added to master timeline (i know how to play it instantly, but it need to be added to master timeline.


    The question is:

    Is there any easy way to


    masterTl.add(myTween, NOW)


    I already coded it using  tl.duration() and tl.progress() - i caluculate what is current progress of animation vs duration and add -=result, but maybe there is any simpler way?


    Hope it cleared a bit. 

  17. Hi all.

    I am working with GSAP for a couple of weeks and i am not sure if i use it correctly, however i love a way of creating the animation. Please advice me if what i want to achieve is a good way of doing it.


    I have a project that has multiple divs that may be considered as buttons. Each button may be animated, but buttons may change its purpose and in consequence - also animations. Because all the buttons share some common parts of animations i decided to split most of the animations into parts. So one part will rotate button, other slide it, and other - scale it. So i have many parts of animation divided into separated objects. Now i can join bricks into one animation but depending on button's purpose i can rotate and slide it but not scale it, or only scale it and later - rotate it. Timeline of GSAP let's me do this easily.


    There is sometimes a need of not starting an animation because another one is in progress. I can of course set some special variable that is always true if animation is in progress and false if there is no animation, however i'd like to do it with built-in animation methods that come with GSAP.


    The idea is like this:

    1. create main timeline.

    2. any animation i want to play is immidiately added to main timeline - add tween/timeline to main timeline (let's call it anim1)

    3. if main timeline is being played (because there is anim1 played) and next animation (anim2) should be played - add it to end of main timeline

    4. if anim1 has been played and reached of it's end - start playing anim2

    5. add anim3 which is special - it should be played immidiately. (dont add it at the and of timeline, but add it to "now". However it also must be added to main timeline because if anim3 will last longer than anim1 + anim2 it should not let play anim4 which may be added in a meantime. How to add it to "now" and play it imidiately ?


    it would look like this:


    A1 ------ > EA1

    add A2

    A1 ------ >EA1 - A2 -------> EA2

    add A3 between A2 and EA2, it is special so it will play imidiately

    A1 ------ >EA1 - A2 --- A3--> EA2 ---> EA3

    add A4 before A3 ends

    A1 ------ >EA1 - A2 --- A3--> EA2 ---> EA3 - A4 ------> EA4




    A1, A2, A3 A4 - start ot anim1, anim2 ...

    EA1, EA2, EA3, EA4 - end of anim1, end of anim2 ...



    Is that approach best way to achieve this? Do you have any other ideas to make this?


    See the Pen MpErqj by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen

  18. Unfortunatelly my enthusiasm was premature. Here is pen i made to show my problem:


    See the Pen MpvXVX?editors=1111 by kalreg (@kalreg) on CodePen


    As you can see at the beginning i have one div, and then i create next one in timeline. However only first one has opacity set to 1. It looks like second div doesnt exist for timeline even if i put 2 second delay for setting the opacity. As if timeline only sees those dom objects that existed in the moment of creation the timeline.

    I also use onComplete function in another "set" and it changes both divs color.

    So "onComplete" checks in realtime, and other functions - do not.


    Is there a way to use objects that where created after timeline was created (ie via call function) ? 

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