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Posts posted by evolutionx

  1. interesting use of declaring a function inside a tween like that :P

    didnt know you could do such a thing..


    i have always used it like that (for examle onComplete in TweenMax)


    var myT:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); 
    myT.insert(new TweenLite(mcBall,1,{scaleX:1,scaleY:1,onStart:myfunction}),0);
    // and then write this function out separately
    function myfunction(){
    mcBall.scaleX = 10;mcBall.scaleY =  10


    not sure if it works or not in your case because I haven't used Timeline classes before :roll:




  2. Hi guys!


    I've come up with an interesting question today. :D


    I have some sequenced tweens here: http://www.arcticum.eu/uus (the 360 turning)

    Currently they are timed with delays and onCompletes.


    I was wondering if, in order to make the whole thing smoother, it is possible to:


    1) use Linear.easeNone for the current tweens

    2) then group these tweens into a TimelineMax and then

    3) play and use Regular.easeOut on this whole Timeline?




    How is it doable?





    PS - still using TweenMax v10 at the moment

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