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Posts posted by gmariani

  1. No joy. Even clicking the button slowly (a few second gap in between 3 times) and setting fromTo I still see a flickering issue.


    The only line I changed in from the previous FLA


    prevTween = TweenMax.fromTo(mc, 0.8, { glowFilter:glowOff, colorMatrixFilter:brightOff }, { glowFilter:glowOn, colorMatrixFilter:brightOn, yoyo:true, repeat:-1 } );

  2. I understand what you're getting at, and i'll try the fromTo solution. But before this, I was using TweenMax v10 with yoyo and ran into the same problem. So I did the onComplete solution and still ran into the same issue. I even reset the filter each time the glow was turned off to no avail. Which is when I decided to try upgrading to v11 to see if maybe that would fix the issue.


    But like I said, i'll give that fromTo solution a spin and see if that fixes my problems. Thanks!

  3. This is what I'm trying to do. I have a menu on the side with a button that pulses based on the selected button. Below is the code I'm using:


    prevTween = TweenMax.to(mc, 0.8, { glowFilter:{alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10, color:0xA0CDF5, strength:1, quality:3}, yoyo:true, repeat:-1 } );


    When you change screens I look for that old tween, kill it and start a new tween.

    if (prevTween) {
    	mc = prevTween.target as MovieClip;
    	prevTween = null;
    	TweenMax.to(mc, 0.8, { glowFilter:{alpha:0, blurX:0, blurY:0, color:0xA0CDF5, strength:1}, colorMatrixFilter:{brightness:1} } );


    This works for about 30 seconds to a minute of looping, then it starts degrading to a simple toggle. So instead of the glow tweening nicely from nothing to on. It goes from on, to off, same with the brightness. Of course this resets as soon as I change screens, but it eventually breaks again.


    Any idea if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong?

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