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Posts posted by SirAnn

  1. Hello there

    I'm totally new in svg animations. Thus please don't be too hard to me :-) But still be honest...


    Too make long stories short:

    Right know we are using the GlgToolKit to perform animations, but we want to have a HTML-Solution. We have to visualize a facility composed of some baths (that can be filled), pipes (that can change colors to visualize that a fluid is inside), pumps (that changes color if turned on/of) and some screws (that may rotate). Besides there are a lot of controls that shows some numerical continuous changing values. Thus also it sounds very simple it's more or less complex to trigger and catch all the events.


    Do you think GSAP or any other svg animation framework is the right approach for that kind of problem? As I can see the default animations starts automatically or may triggered by a mouse click. But in our case the animation will be endless and on defined from outside or mouse click events the animation has to change.


    For a better understanding you'llfind one of our actual screens made with glg ...


    Thanks for any idea,



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