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Posts posted by anonty

  1. My timeline looks like this:



      .to(move something)

      .to(move something else)


      .to(move something)

      .to(move it back to original position)

      .addPause('+=1', function() { depending on the value of a var repeat label 'one' or 'two' } )


    What should I use for the last part? When I use .seek('two') it jumps to .addPause(). How do I repeat everything under label 'two'?


  2. I'm having problems with TimelineLite and animating height:0 to height:auto. When I click the button multiple times, sometimes it sets height to 'auto' instead of reversing the timeline to height:0. So for example I get this result:


    Expand = true: height = auto

    Expand = false: height = 0

    Expand = true: height = auto

    Expand = false: height = auto << wrong, should be 0

    Expand = true: height = auto

    Expand = false: height = 0


    What's wrong with my code?

    See the Pen gGwEPv by anon (@anon) on CodePen

  3. I want to tween opacity from 0 to 1 in 20 seconds, stop it at for example 11.5 seconds and then reverse it in 2 seconds. What would be the best way to do that? I tried to tween to opacity 1, pause() and tween to opacity 0 in 2 seconds, but opacity goes below 0. Would it be better to use reverse? And when I use reverse, how can I set a fixed duration, since timeScale() doesn't work because of pause().

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