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Posts posted by softevo

  1. Hello,


    I ran into a problem that I can understand. Would be great if someone can explain the behavior my Codepen shows.


    The code contains two calls to seek(...). The first to point to 0.4 seconds and the second to go to 0.3 seconds.


    If I delete the first (seek(0.4)), the box is displayed at left=0px as expected.


    If I first call seek(0.4) and then seek(0.3) the box will be displayed at left=100px. That is the start value of the tween so I thought that a call to seek(0.3) should always produce the left=0px start value.


    Can someone please help me with this?


    Best regards


    See the Pen bqpjdo by ozerfrettelter (@ozerfrettelter) on CodePen

  2. Hello,


    I think I've got the wrong understanding of how the set function works when placed inside a timeline. In the codepen I've created a small animation that should set the box to start at left=0px and then start an animation at the 1 second mark to move the box from 200 to 500px. The actual behavior is that the box already starts at 200px. I can also press the seek(0.0) button and nothing happens. As soon as the animation once passes the start time of the fromTo tween, the seek to 0s will work. Could someone please explain why?


    I need to set a start value for the animation that will always work in the way that each call to seek with values < 1s will place the box at position 0px. How can I accomplish that?


    Best regards


    See the Pen ZeGyZe by ozerfrettelter (@ozerfrettelter) on CodePen

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