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  1. I think it is both. The tweening is done by gsap with timelinemax. I figured out that I can set a Pin and so the section is waiting for the other animations until they are done. Hopefully it was just a try to get some pro mention about my idea and a hint to the right direction
  2. Hey, I'm currently working on a project with GSAP and scrollmagic. I want to create sections that has scroll animations inside with scrollmagic. So a section freeze for the time other animations came into. Is this section over it should smooth scroll to the next section. I call that somehting like scrollytelling. 1. each section has a story like on scroll there are elements that coming in part a part. 2. if a section has ended the story it should scroll to the next section without effects, like a normal onpager 3. it should be navigatable via next/prev buttons and dots for each section 4. all sections sould be responsive, so I can create querys for tablet/desktop/XL-desktop screens Here the stack where I have a screenshot and detailed information: Stackoverflow I attached a codepen with sections and the beginning of my scrollmagic. Maybe someone has done a similar project or could help me a bit. I want to show first results until the end of next week. Here is a image how it should look: http://codepen.io/muuvmuuv/pen/PbXXXr
  3. muuvmuuv

    Section slides

    Hey @PointC. Thanks for the quick respond. I'll take a look at this tuts. Should I create a new topic now or leave it as it is here? I also used the examples above and it was a big step forward in my project. Hope I get that finished soon with the tutorials ^^. Thanks at all.
  4. muuvmuuv

    Section slides

    Hey, i don not really know if I need to create a new topic for that, cause it is similar to that one here. I have ask something on stackoverflow: I wann create sections that has scroll animations inside with scrollmagic. 1. each section has a story like on scroll there are elements that coming in part a part. 2. if a section has ended the story it should scroll to the next section without effects, like a normal onpager 3. it should be navigatable via next/prev buttons and dots for each section 4. all sections sould be responsive, so I can create querys for tablet/desktop/XL-desktop screens Here the stack: Stackoverflow Here a codepen: PEN Is that possible? and how can I archive that?
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