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Posts posted by tomaugerdotcom

  1. Right on Carl, thanks so much for the great suggestions. In the end, remove:true did the trick - you were right, the blur was causing bitmap cacheing and the pixel jump disappeared as soon as the filter was completely removed at the end of the tween.


    Thanks a million for your help!

  2. I've encountered a very strange thing - in all likelihood I'm just approaching things the wrong way, but take a look at this simple demo: http://www.tomauger.com/sandbox/greensock/screwmeter_blur.html


    If you watch it for a while with "blur OFF" notice how all the numbers align consistently across the baseline (allowing for slight variance because some numbers are designed to go a little lower for visual balance).


    If you then switch to "blur ON" you'll see that suddenly the numbers start to jumble a little. And not consistently. You may need to watch (and squint - it's only off by about 1 px up or down) carefully! Could it be a rounding error creeping in?


    The only difference is in this code:

    if (blurOn) new TweenMax(_ribbon, ANIMATION_TIME_SECONDS / 2, { blurFilter: { blurY: Math.abs(new_y - _ribbon.y) * BLUR_FACTOR }, repeat: 1, yoyo: true, ease:Cubic.easeInOut } );
    new TweenMax(_ribbon, ANIMATION_TIME_SECONDS, { y: new_y, ease:Cubic.easeInOut } );


    So the second tween (over .3 secs) is designed to move the numbers (the numbers are a vertical "ribbon" of digits from 0 - 9). This creates the ticker effect.


    The first tween which is only turned on when the blurON switch is set, just adds a motion blur. Because I wanted the blur to be at its most intense in the middle of the "roll", I use half the animation time (.15) and set a yoyo behaviour.


    This blur tween as I understand it should have no actual bearing on the y position tween, and yet it seems to?


    I've also tried playing with OverwriteManager


    but that has no effect, at least not in my case.


    Is this a bug? Should I not be using two tweens? I thought as long as I was tweening different properties, there should be no collision, particularly if OM is set to AUTO.


    This is production code, so any help would be greatly appreciated! I'd love to take advantage of the blurFilter plugin! Great work on V11!

  3. Implementing deep copy in this scenario seems like a bit of a kludge. Can you think of a more elegant way to add these parameters to the TweenLite.to() method?


    The objective is to have, at the head of my script, an easy way to manipulate the basic parameters that will be tweened, but somehow allow me to add additional parameters to the .to() method as needed?


    TweenLite.to(myClip, duration, myTweenParameters, tweenLiteReservedParameters).


    Is there some basic way to concatenate two objects (anonymously)?



  4. Hey GS, thanks for spending the time to look into this and explain it to me.


    I did a little more digging and the conceptual mistake I was making was thinking I wouldn't get variable polution by using the object variables to pass parameters to TweenLite.


    What had me particularly confused is the fact that these tweenObj objects are scoped completely local to the functions that create them. There is no reason that they ought to persist beyond the scope of the calling function. So when I create this object, and pass it to TweenLite, as soon as the function exits, that object is destroyed. The next time I use a similar construct and pass that to TweenLite, that has no relevance or "memory" of the previous time I used the same variable name to construct that object.


    But the issue isn't these two locally scoped variables at all. The issue is that when I create them, I take a copy BY REFERENCE of the original definition object. Which means that when I alter my (temporary) local variable, I'M ALSO ALTERING THE ORIGINAL OBJECT. DOH! So when I create the next variable and take another copy by reference, the new vars object actually has the danged data from the previous time I (unwittingly) over-wrote the source object.


    It's a pass-by-reference vs. deep copy issue, and now that I've figured that out with your help, it should be a simple matter to solve.


    But, since this was a learning experience for me, I figure I should give back, so here's an example that illustrates the heart of the problem - it's not a local scope issue - you have to go farther back up the food chain to see where the problem is.


    package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    public class FunctionScope extends MovieClip {
    	private static const sourceObj:Object = {
    		a: "Aye",
    		b: "Bee"
    	public function FunctionScope(){
    	private function functionOne():void {
    		var myObj:Object = sourceObj;
    		myObj.c = "Cee";
    	private function functionTwo():void {
    		var myObj:Object = sourceObj;
    		myObj.d = "Dee";
    	private function functionThree():void {
    		var myObj:Object = clone(sourceObj);
    		myObj.e = "Eew";
    	private function traceObj(obj:Object):void {
    		trace("Tracing: " + obj);
    		for (var i in obj){
    			trace(i + ":" + obj[i]);
    	private function clone(obj:Object):Object {
    		var temp:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    		temp.position = 0;
    		return temp.readObject();


    The above code traces:

    Tracing: [object Object]
    Tracing: [object Object]
    Tracing: [object Object]
    Tracing: [object Object]


    Thanks again GS for your time and for getting me thinking about the variables themselves. I looked at your response and said - that's not possible! But obviously I needed to see for myself so I set up the above test and saw with my own eyes that the original values were changing. Bloody hell. Where's the damned "dereference" operator when you need it? my $newCopy = $$oldCopyReference; # arrggghhhh - old Perl-head.

  5. Hey thanks for the quick reply. I don't *believe* the timer is causing the conflict, because it's a long delay and I'm testing the rollovers well within that delay tolerance. Regardless, here are the relevant pieces of code for you to peruse:


    Setting up some constants:

    private static const PULSE_TIMER_DELAY:Number = 5 * 1000;
    private static const PULSE_REPEAT_DELAY:Number = 3 * 1000;
    private static const PULSE_ITEM_DELAY_SECONDS:Number = .175;
    // rollover and tween values - I'm putting them up-front here just to make it easier for my guys to tweak the values without digging deeply into the code
    private static const TWEEN_FRAMES:Number = 8;
    private var navTweenStates:Object = {
    over: {
    	alpha: .6,
    	scaleX: 1.1,
    	scaleY: 1.1,
    out: {
    	alpha: 1,
    	scaleX: 1,
    	scaleY: 1,
    private var pulseTimer:Timer; // this will hold my Timer object to add a nice juicy delay to the timer


    Then we initialize the view, and get a reference to the appropriate movieClip (navMC). navMC is a MovieClip that contains 3 buttons. We get references to those three buttons and they are passed to the TweenLite constructor (well, your .to static function cause I don't want to feel obliged to hold onto a reference to the TweenLite object! haha)


    The "pulse" code

    private function startPulseTimer() {
    private function resetPulseTimer() {
    pulseTimer.delay = PULSE_TIMER_DELAY; // this sets up the initial delay before the first "pulse"
    pulseTimer.repeatCount = 1;
    private function stopPulseTimer() {
    private function doPulse(event:TimerEvent) {
    for (var i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { // cause there are 3 buttons that have to pulse
    	var navItem = getNavItem(i);
    	var tweenObj = navTweenStates["over"];
    	tweenObj.overwrite = 1; // just to be safe. I realize that 1 is the default since I'm not initing overwriteManager, but hey, things got weird back there...
    	TweenLite.to(navItem, tweenTime, tweenObj);
    	tweenObj = navTweenStates["out"];
    	tweenObj.delay = tweenTime; // this is the delay to get the second pulse to follow the first, since I couldn't find a "back and forth" tween class - though now I'm aware there is one: thanks!
    	tweenObj.overwrite = 0;
    	TweenLite.to(navItem, tweenTime, tweenObj);
    pulseTimer.delay = PULSE_REPEAT_DELAY; // this is a shorter delay between subsequent "pulses"
    pulseTimer.repeatCount = 1;
    pulseTimer.reset(); // probably redundant here but I'm not taking any chances!


    Now the reason I set up this timer will hopefully be more clear - because there's this long initial delay, then smaller delays between subsequent pulses. But the pulsing is turned off as soon as the user interacts with the buttons. Once the user has stopped interacting, the long delay starts over, and then after the first pulse, goes back to the shorter delay.


    Here's the mouseover stuff:

    override protected function navButtonOver(event:MouseEvent) {
    	var tweenObj = navTweenStates.over;
    	tweenObj.overwrite = 3;
    	tweenObj.delay = 0;
    	TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, tweenTime, tweenObj);
    override protected function navButtonOut(event:MouseEvent) {
    	var tweenObj = navTweenStates.out;
    	tweenObj.overwrite = 3;
    	tweenObj.delay = 0; // if I don't include this parameter at all, I see a delay when the user rolls the mouse out! Do note that at this point, the timer is stopped and there is no pulsing tweens going on anywhere else.
    	TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, tweenTime, tweenObj);


    What do you think? Without resorting to TweenMax, where do you think this issue is coming from? I'd like to solve it from m y code first, before you show my some funky new-fangled way of doing things, just because I want to understand the error first.


    Thanks so much,



  6. Hi guys. Thanks GS for the great classes! I'm just trying them out for the first time.


    Wouldn't you know it, I've already run into a snag. Let me try to summarize what I'm doing:


    A button is set to "pulse" at regular intervals. The pulse is achieved by tweeing the scaleX and scaleY properties of the object. Pretty straightforward stuff really. The only complication is that the user can also "make" the button pulse by rolling over it and rolling off it.


    To do the "pulse", I'm using a pair of TweenLite tweens with a delay between them that's exactly the length of time it takes the first tween to complete - one to grow it to its max size, the other to shrink it back to 100% original size. The reason I'm doing this in 2 steps rather than using Bounce is unclear, other than that I suspected that when the user needs to "take over" the pulse manually by rolling over the object, I wanted to be able to override the current Tween and just set up the new tween to match the rollover / rollout action.


    so we have something like:

    TweenLite.to(myButton, tweenLength, {scaleX:1.5, scaleY:1.5, overwrite:1});
    TweenLite.to(myButton, tweenLength, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, delay:tweenLength, overwrite:0});


    This works like a charm. My button is happily pulsing. I set up a timer after this which waits for a few seconds, then starts the pulse over again, so there's a few second delay between "pulses". If I understand what's happening here, you're basically holding on to TWO tween objects that could theoretically conflict (because of overwrite:0) but because of the delay, the conflict never occurs. Dandy. Am I right so far?


    Now, later on in the code, we define the rollover and rollout event handlers. This is where the weirdness creeps in. So my rollover looks like this:

    TweenLite.to(myButton, tweenLength, {scaleX:1.5, scaleY:1.5, overwrite:1});


    and my rollout looks like this:

    TweenLite.to(myButton, tweenLength, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, overwrite:1});


    Now the way I see this is that either of these two tweens should COMPLETELY REPLACE any and all of the vars associated with the previous tweens that were set up in the pulse. Including the delay. At least that's how I read overwrite:1 (ALL) - completely kill the previous tween on that button (delete the TweenLite object) and then create a brand new one with its own brand-new set of instance variables.


    Well here's the weird part: the rollover tweens have the delay in them now!


    If the user rolls over the buttons BEFORE the first pulse ever occurs, there's no delay whatsoever, and everything works as God intended. BUT, if the user waits for a pulse, the next time he rolls over or rolls off the button, there's a delay that's exactly the same length as the delay I set up in the second pulse tween.


    Now why should this be? First of all, I'm surprised that the delay variable even carries over from one TweenLite object to the next; second, I'm shocked that overwrite:1 doesn't, in fact, overwrite delay!


    I was able to solve the problem by explicitly specifying delay:0 whenever I don't want a delay, but it seems to me that I should not have to do this. At least, according to how I interpret the documentation.


    Any insights or thoughts on the matter would be helpful.



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