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Posts posted by Cronk

  1. OK, well thanks for the response and looking over the request.  The suggestion to look into the Dev Tools team is a good one.


    About the ticker, though...you mentioned that it 'powers down'.  Can you elaborate on that?  I have let the movie player sit idle for many minutes before (while researching one thing or another) and then come back to it, pause the debugger, and it still drops into this ticker routine.


    Hmmm...was just testing that.  I have the movie player loaded up in Safari and haven't touched it for a few days, really.  I tried stopping the code and it dropped into the same parent routine, but a different sub-function.  It seemed to alternate between line 137 (which I mentioned above) and line 167:

     var C = function() {
                A() - S > 2e3 && n.wake(), setTimeout(C, 2e3)

    So it seems as if it is re-initializing all the time.  Maybe that's being caused some of the rest of the code that was written for us, and not so much the TweenLite/GSAP code itself.



    --  J

  2. Hello all,

       My first time posting here; I'm just starting to learn about TweenLite.js, and am fairly inexperienced with javascript in general.  With that said...


    I have a system that I am trying to debug the function of a button on.  The system is a video + audio player in a web browser.  There's a large-ish video pane at the top, underneath that is a scrubber/progress bar showing position in the video.  To the left of the scrubber bar is a transport button (bar-left-arrow).  This transport button is supposed to reset the position of the scrubber (and the video being shown as well) to the start.  But sometimes this button doesn't work; I can repeatably make it stop and start working, so I'm trying to debug the scripts to see what is (or isn't) being set in a couple of states.


    So, with the video paused and nothing going on (i.e. movie is not playing), I hit the 'Pause Script...' button in the Safari debugger; my intention is to then press the transport button and see what code it's running.  But I can't...as soon as I hit the 'Pause' button it always stops at a function in the TweenLite.min.js file (line 137 as reported by Safari after it pretty-prints it.  I think I have the hierarchy of the functions here correct...I took out snippets so might have missed something.  The "function(t)" is the first function in the file, immediately following the header.

    (function(t) {
        "use strict";
        var e = t.GreenSockGlobals || t;
        if (!e.TweenLite) {
            d("Ticker", function(t, e) {
                var i,
                    h = this,
                    _ = A(),
                    m = e !== !1 && b,
                    f = function(t) {
                        S = A(), h.time = (S - _) / 1e3;
                        var e,
                            n = h.time - l;
                        (!i || n > 0 || t === !0) && (h.frame++, l += n + (n >= o ? .004 : o - n), e = !0), t !== !0 && (r = s(f)), e && h.dispatchEvent("tick")

    So it appears to be some timer or listener code that is constantly running.  But it prevents me from activating the button I'm interested in while in debug mode.  Even if I press the button with the code stopped, it doesn't get added to the call stack, so I can't step into it.


    I did some digging in the HTML to try and figure out what the element was; I think I did, but when I put break points on the code that appeared to be tied to that element, it never broke.  So I must have tagged the wrong code.


    Does anyone have some pointers to assist me?





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