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Posts posted by deeait

  1. This has nothing to do with the above, but still it´s a noob question, so i´ll post it here :)


    I work on a project with several classes, in all of which i use TweenLite. Since all of the classes get compiled into one swf, do i have to import TweenLite in every

    single class, and will this increase filesize? I don´t know if i make myself clear... What i mean is, would it be enough to import TweenLite only once in the

    document class?

  2. Firstly, hello everybody!


    I recently switched to the v11 beta and i´m very happy with the new timeline feature. Thanks Jack!

    Currently i´m working on a project, where i use the following code:


    b3Timeline = new TimelineMax({paused:true});
    	TweenMax.to(mainHolder.sImgHolder, 0.4, {x:-540}),
    	TweenMax.to(mainHolder.barsMask, 0.4, {x:0, width:stage.stageWidth}),
    	TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar1, 0.4, {x:stage.stageWidth + 30, overwrite:3}),
    	TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar2, 0.4, {x:stage.stageWidth + 30, overwrite:3}),
    	TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar3, 0.4, {x:stage.stageWidth + 30, overwrite:3}),
    	TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar4, 0.4, {x:stage.stageWidth + 30, overwrite:3}),
    b3Timeline.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allTo([mainHolder.bar1, mainHolder.bar2, mainHolder.bar3, mainHolder.bar4,], 0.3, {alpha:1}, 0.1), "TweenAlign.SEQUENCE" );

    The timeline plays when the user clicks one of the bars, and is reverted on click on a close button.

    This far everything works nicely, but when i add mouse over & -out listeners to the bars, to call a function like

    TweenMax.to(mainHolder.bar1, 0.7, {x:540, ease:Exponential.easeOut});

    (& back)

    the tweens seem to conflict: As long as the MouseOver/out Tweens are not finished, the tweening bars wil not start the x property tweens from the timeline . As you see, i tried to set

    the overwrite mode to 3, so this tweens would kill any existing tweens of the object, but it doesn´t seem to work...


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!





    PS: i attached the swf and main .as of the project. The problem occurs when you repeatedly click and close the 3rd bar from the top

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