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Posts posted by mrpinc

  1. This is not so specific to loader max but just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas about this.


    If you create a FLA and put some content on the timeline and publish it.  When you load it in loadermax to get that MovieClip you just need to call LoaderMax.getContent("mySWF").rawContent;


    However if you have a movieclip in your library in Flash and you right click and choose 'Export SWF..." then load that swf - in order to get the actual movieclip you are exporting you need to call



    Does anyone know of any way to determine if a Loaded SWF is either a main timeline or expoted using the right-click method i described?


    You could do a check to see if getChildAt(0) is MovieClip on the rawContent but the problem with this is that if your timeline SWF had a MovieClip as a the background it would not be accurate. 

  2. As another point when I trace out the following details about the SWF loader I get some strange results.

    rawContent: null, autoDispose:false,bytesLoaded:0, bytesTotal:20000,status:0,progress:0,autoDispose:false

    Again this is practically righht after the SWFLoader onComplete event fires when all the above properties are just like they should be,

  3. First I create a SWF Loader with the following

    var swfVars:SWFLoaderVars = new SWFLoaderVars();
    var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
    context.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;					
    swfVars.onOpen( onSWFStartLoading );
    swfVars.onComplete( onSWFCompleted );
    if (ar.id) {
         swfVars.name( ar.id );
    var sf:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader(ar.path, swfVars);
    return new SWFLoader(ar.path, swfVars);

    When that swf is done I just trace the following - everything looks fine, rawContent IS NOT null.

    var l:SWFLoader = e.target as SWFLoader;
    trace(l.content, l.rawContent, l.name, l.scriptAccessDenied);

    Then later I simply do the following with data.@img being the same name as the loader above.  Here tracing getContent() displays 'ContentDisplay' and .rawContent is null

  4. Sorry, that was poorly chosen terminology. What I meant to say was, if method parameters are subject to ASdocs then perhaps method variables (that only exist within the scope of a function) could use the $ prefix. That way your params still are clean for ASdocs, and the other vars in the method (which are not subject to ASDocs from what i understand) would be differentiated from the passed params.

  5. Perhaps then using $ for method parameters would work since they are not subject to asdocs. I use _ for all class variables and simply use getters and setters if they need to be visible in asdocs (I know I know, you lose some speed because of the method calls)

  6. Just read the interview you did on ActiveTuts (Great read BTW) and was just wondering if you could shed some light as to why Grant Skinner would recommend losing the “$” in front of parameter names. I find this style very useful for distinguishing passed parameters from class/method variables.



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