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Posts posted by larryfroot

  1. Hi all,


    Having used SWFAddress on a site waiting to go live I have come across a problem. I have set certain places to colour tween using the color matrix filter. I click on a relevant button and a new page/app loads and the backround tweens its color accordingly. But when I use the back button on the browser to return to any page that tweens the bg using a button on the site, the tween is lost. The bg stays as its original state.


    I am really stumped. Hope someone can help and that this exchange can help others.

  2. Hello, and thank you once again for all your time and your effort. It never ceases to amaze me.


    I have searched the forum before posting here, btw.


    I'm using AS2


    Anyways...I have a nested movie clip with a radial gradient applied. I am trying to apply hexColor plugin (I have activated it) to that particular mc.

    Unfortunately using it in what I might call the 'bog standard' way fails to tween the mc.


    TweenLite.to(home_mc.home_clip_mc.gradient_bg_mc, 2,{hexColors:{left:0xff9900, right:0x663399});


    Any help or guidance would be most appreciated. Thank you for your help, both past and present.

  3. Thank you for your time, and also thank you very much for getting back to me in my previous question. If its any consolation, I am learning quickly - and if it wasn't for the fact that I really like to construct my site using loadMovie then this would not be so critical for me to get right. I anticipate once I get this, then happy days and I will never be stuck at this point again; nor will anyone else in the future if this exchange becomes a swift reference point for such questions re loadMovie.


    I understand the logic of flash - the syntax often escapes me, but I am learning by doing.


    So I separated the functions (at least I hoped I had):



    var pause_one_loading:TweenMax = new TweenMax.to.delayedCall(10.0,load_one);
    function load_one():Void {


    and then I call it from:


    TweenMax.to(_root.band_mc,0.3,{_height:0.25, yoyo:1, overwrite:1});


    But that may well, strictly speaking, be a nested function of sorts, so next I tried to assign two clearly separate functions to the same event:




    Both times I get the same error, "there is no method with the name 'play'"


    I know you have enough of a drain on your time to refer questions about loadMovie and tween clashes elsewhere, but perhaps this exchange can be quickly referred to in future questions regarding delaying a loadMovie call? I had no idea that delayed.Call existed, and it is a godsend. I have skimmed the documentation but my eye was geared towards tweening rather than anything else. Best regards, LF

  4. Hi, I have a newbie problem, (and the miracle for me with greensock tweening is that I don't have a lot more of them). In order to avoid loadmovie and a tween from causing unwanted things happening, I put my loadMovie in a function that uses delayedCall - this is AS2, btw -





    TweenMax.to(_root.band_mc,0.3,{_height:0.25, yoyo:1, overwrite:1});


    TweenMax.to.delayedCall(1.0, loadOne);


    function loadOne():Void {





    The tweens (there are a series of these clips on the page) work brilliantly. Unfortunately the loadMovies aren't loading any swf's. They all load via a single empty mc, if that has any bearing.


    If anyone can help me on this I would be very very grateful. I would make a concerted effort to search deeper rather than ask here, but I promised my girlfriend that I wouldn't work this evening, and I need to make a flying start to tomorrow as a result of not working this evening. * Thank you* all very much for your kindness and your time.

  5. Ok....so I have probably mangled this beyond reason...


    var myTween:TweenMax = new TweenMax.to(fb_mc, 1, {colorMatrixFilter:{colorize:0xff0000, amount:1}});









    And now it still executes without the rollOver, but now it won't reverse the tween either. Hmmmm


    Thanks, appreciate your time...

  6. Hello froots -


    I have this code:


    var myTween:TweenMax = TweenMax.to(fb_mc, 1, {colorMatrixFilter:{colorize:0xff0000, amount:1}});









    Which works except that the blessed tween initaites as soon as the swf is compiled, like a rat out of an aquaduct. What must I do to kerb its enthusiasm? What will it take for this tween to tween on rollOver and not prematurely bolt out of the stable with a chillie up its a****? Any help gratefully recieved, and many thanks in advance. LF

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