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Posts posted by one2gov

  1. Actually there is no problem in getting ._gsTransform.x for parent div, just should set variables right 

    var border = document.getElementById("border") 

    instead of 

    var border = document.querySelectorAll(".border");


    <div id="border">

    instead of 

    <div class="border">

    The other problem is that i am careless, but i think i just have to consult with my developers about it..

    • Like 1
  2. I am trying to make element follow coordinates of animated element in animated div wrap. The element i am trying to place is a rectangle, and coordinates  I am trying to take  from is blue ball. The blue ball has relative coordinates inside his wrapper. And wrapper div doesn't give me his wrapper._gsTransform.x. How else can I count absolute position of wrapped element?


    TweenMax.to(box2, 15, {x :550, y: 550,onUpdate:function(){
        TweenMax.set(box, {x:ball._gsTransform.x+231, y:ball._gsTransform.y-232})}});

    See the Pen ?editors=0110 by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen

  3. I am tryinng to place blue balls on top of red balls.
    Is it possible to assign one animation for several objects, asuming that i already using loop for other objects
    here is simplified pseudocode of what i am thinking about
    for (var i = 0; i < element1.length; i++) {
    var element1 = element1[i];
    var element2 = totallyDifferentElement1;
    var element3 = totallyDifferentElement2;
    var element4 = totallyDifferentElement3;
    tl.to(element1,element2,element3,element4, 5, {x:"100"});

    instead of 

    for (var i = 0; i < element1.length; i++) {
    var element1 = element1[i];
    var element2 = totallyDifferentElement1;
    var element3 = totallyDifferentElement2;
    var element4 = totallyDifferentElement3;
    tl.to(element1, 5, {x:"100"},"label");
    tl.to(element2, 5, {x:"100"},"label");
    tl.to(element3, 5, {x:"100"},"label");
    tl.to(element4, 5, {x:"100"},"label");

    New codepen 

    See the Pen NbBBWQ?editors=1010 by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen

    i thought all blue balls  would just follow appearence of red ones.

    So i can have 2 loops for 2 classes. Is it possible to use 1 loop for both classes?

    See the Pen rWrzvP by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen

  4. I have a work that requires grouping elements in animation, and then taking it a part and so on... As for now i am creating separate images when images should work together, and then making a transition when they should be separated several images. So when I have several elements, I can wrap them into a div and it can work like group. But what if I have some animation set up, like in codepen, for now to save it I would need to hide the element that I need to move out of animation, create the same one on top of it, animate it, put it back, hide, show previously hidden one - done. Is there a better way? Can I switch of animation for some element, do another thing, and then continue previous animation?

    See the Pen rWrzvP?editors=0010 by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen

  5. Not sure i understand exactly but using my example you can seek() to when the last ball is moved into position


    demo updated: 

    See the Pen qqyrME by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

    Is there other way to do the same thing without timescale? I have to use it in my project timeline, where is timescale is normal..

  6. You can offset the transform origin to the radius you want, or do something like this...


    How to create several red circles? I can copy div and code for it, but it just floating on top of each others, and i can't use "+=1" time shift for some reason.


    See the Pen MbBjzZ by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen


    and it's really alot of code for just one task..

  7. Yes, i am trying to rotate several divs around center, but don't rotate divs itself. My setup is too big and messy to share, i will try to find problem myself, just thought this behaviour could be familiar.

  8. My goal is to launch js code lines as much as number in the textarea near code line. It works here 

    See the Pen jVKOpL?editors=1111 by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen

    And doesn not here  Regex works but gives me array of empty results.

    lines = "tl.call(function(){clonDiv(num7); checkForDraggable(); });"

    result = "";

    lines = "console.log("do once");"

    result = "console.log("do once")";

    $("#checkBtn").click(function() {
    $(".textar").each(function(i, obj) {
    var numbers = this.value;
    numbers = numbers*1;
    lines = $("#fname_call").val().split(/[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;/);
    // get only the current line
    var test = lines[i];
    // execute current line 'numbers' times
    for (var j = 0; j < numbers; j++) { 

    How to split on every third semicolon, or have array ob strings, same as it already works here? 

    See the Pen jVKOpL?editors=1111 by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen

    See the Pen MbXWVQ?editors=1011 by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen

  9. Hello. yes it's jquery draggable. But greensock have draggable also. How to clone element and have greensock draggable working?


    See the Pen ZBrzea by one2gov (@one2gov) on CodePen


    Draggable.create(".box", {
      onDragStart:function() {
         xPosition.style.visibility = "hidden";
        yPosition.style.visibility = "hidden";
    xPosition.innerHTML = this.target._gsTransform.x;
    yPosition.innerHTML =  this.target._gsTransform.y
    $("#google").clone().prop('id', 'copy'+1).appendTo("#container");


    I feel like monkey which showed how to use a stick, and she is trying used it as paddle instead.

    This is js builder right? Where is takes "src" attribute from? I tried to alert anything but no luck.

    It can create 30 divs with the same image? I would try to use it for different when i am understand how to use it.

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