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Posts posted by dougburnett

  1. This line works great:

    TweenMax.to(mc, .5, {y:100, motionBlur:true}); 


    This line makes the movieclip disappear:

    TweenMax.to(mc, .5, {y:100, rotationY:45, motionBlur:true}); 


    Happens whether I animate the 3D rotation, if I do it in the HUD, or if I do it with standard AS3.


    Am I doing something wrong?

  2. I'm another Flash guy getting into Javascript with GSAP. I'm making a photo gallery and can't seem to get GSAP tweens to read function parameters when I send them via PHP to my Javascript function. For example, I make a PHP call like this:


    $imageFile = glob("images/*.*");
    echo '<img src="'.$imageFile[1].'" id="thumbPic"


    to my Javascript functions like this:



    function imageOver(object) {
        TweenMax.to(object, .5, {width:100, ease:Cubic.easeOut});
    function imageOut(object) {
        TweenMax.to(object, .5, {width:85, ease:Cubic.easeOut});


    When I manually call these functions with the "this" parameter from HTML, it works great. But when I write the same HTML via PHP, it doesn't tween. When I trace the "object" parameter I get the same "HTMLImageElement". I've tried calling the image ID directly by doing this: 



    TweenMax.to("#thumbPic", .5, {width:85, ease:Cubic.easeOut});


    But that doesn't work either. Any thoughts?

  3. Is there a way to use the TweenMax.killTweensOf(mc) for applied filters? I have applied some heavy filters that I want to have the option of completely removing from an object so I can return to the original performance speed. Basically a "reset" button.


    I have tried just putting in 0 for the values or using null but I am still not able to return to the original performance before the filters were applied.

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