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Posts posted by pik3lcopter

  1. Thanks for the replys!


    Wow ! sweet Thank you guys. Gsap Rox


    EDIT: I posted the below before i refreshed to see your reply Jack:


    from the devs:

    A-Frame uses custom `setAttribute` functions, that accept objects and not just strings, it seems unlikely that a generic HTML attribute tweener would work. Would need to call `el.setAttribute('position', {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3})`, 
    and NOT `el.setAttribute('position', '1 2 3')`.
    i tried to plug this into the attr tween with no luck.
    Could i tween the three.js object associated with the object if i can select it?

    <a-entity id="mario"></a-entity>
    var el = document.querySelector('#mario').object3D.matrixWorld;
  2. Thank you for the response.


    I have Commented Out the Working Line

    See the Pen KNwVmb?editors=1011 by anon (@anon) on CodePen


    I am using the a-frame library which creates three.js scenes with html markup.

    The rotation attribute is set like: rotation=(x y z)


    Here is the documentation for the rotation element



    What is the simplest way of manupulating the attributes with timelinemax.

    Is it necessary to use an update function?

  3. Hi,


    If the attribute is multi parted like a 3d coordinate,

    how can the attribute plugin animate between the multiple numbers (x y z) -> (x y z) ?


    My object has the following markup: 

    <object id="object_A" rotation="0 0 0"></object>


    How can i use the attribute plugin or another method to tween the coordinates?


    {attr:{rotation: "0" }}, { attr:{rotation: " 80" }

    works but only effects the Z coordinate.

    I was hoping that it was possible without access to the individual coordinates such as 'rotationX' or 'rotation-x'



    My try fails silently:

    var objectA = $( '#object_A' );
    .fromTo( objectA, 10, {attr:{rotation: "0 0 0" }}, { attr:{rotation: " 0 360 180" }, ease: Strong.easeOut, repeat: -1, yoyo: true} )
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