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Posts posted by rdg

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to animate only the top-padding. but Firefox (and codekit and webstorm) don't like the dash in padding-top. so how would i do that?


    TweenLite.to("#secondrow", 1, {padding-top:"50px"});


    TweenLite.to("#secondrow", 1, {css:{padding-top:50}});

    neither work.




  2. Hi,


    I've got an SWF that has a queue that wil load several SWFs. Testing localy everything works just fine. Viewing it with MAMP also works fine

    BUT when its uploaded to the server the first loader in the queue seems to hang. the progress event stops at

    "progress: 0.9995052479061385" and nothing happes after that

    First i thought it was a security thing but we have a crossdomain.xml on the server giving acces to * () but if that was the fault it also would bomb on MAMP, right?

    And the loader does start it just never reaches a full load "progress: 1"

    anyone got any ideas?



  3. Hi,


    i'v got a queue (LoaderMax) that loads an SWF (

    queue.append(new SWFLoader("SWFurl", {name: 'loader' + i, estimatedBytes:2400, container:s}));


    Some time later i want to start the SWF that has been loaded. so i tried this:

    var l : MovieClip = queue.getContent("SWFurl");

    No luck, what am i doing wrong




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