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Posts posted by BKENNEDY

  1. Thanks to both of you for the input.


    Blake! First glance, this looks awesome! I really appreciate your time and thorough explanation. I totally understand your approach. Now I just need to sit and play with it to fully understand the mechanics. Definitely sparks some ideas for me. I'll comb through those other articles too. Thank you again!

    • Like 1
  2. I was hesitant to create a pen, because I'm actually building in Animate CC and didn't want the to influence a solution that may not be possible in that environment. However, I understand the usefulness in troubleshooting... so I created something similar. It's essentially line drawing animation. Ideally, I would use DrawSVG, but seems like that isn't possible in the Animate IDE, so I'm playing with a workaround.


    See the Pen mAGNaa by bkennedy (@bkennedy) on CodePen


    My understanding is that the "thru" type calculates the bezier data to be used in the tween. I was hoping I could send that info through the onUpdate params to use in the draw function. in other words, get the current position (based on tween progress) and use it it to draw the next line segment with quadraticLineTo().


    I'm probably way off base... but what do I know! I'm just jumping back into this after a few years of mourning the loss of flash!

  3. Hi All, I'm tweening an object using bezier values. I'd like to send the current quadratic data out via onUpdateParams but can't seem to figure out an easy way to do it. I guess I'm looking for something like this:

    var points = [{x:100, y:50}, {x:150, y:100}, {x:200, y:50}, {x:350, y:350}];
    {bezier:{values:points, type:"thru", curviness:2}, 
    onUpdate: myFunction, 
    onUpdateParams:["current x:a,b,c,d and current y:a,b,c,d"]});

    Obviously not correct, but hopefully explains what I'm hoping to achieve. 


    I've seen a bunch of examples that use a tween in combination with a loop to traverse a bezierThrough array, but that just seems way more complex.


    Any thoughts are appreciated.



  4. Hoping this is an easy one for you guys... I just couldn't find an example or reference to pull from.


    I understand the use of labels and offset timing. Also understand the use of adding an offset to subsequent labeled tweens. 


    What I can't seem to figure out, is how to add an offset to the FIRST tween of a labeled sequence... in other words, using the code below, how to I add an offset of say, +=0.5 to the label of item2 so that items 3 and 4 fire at the same time?


    tl.to(root.item1, 0.75, {x:100, ease: Expo.easeOut})
    .to(root.item2, 0.75, {x:100, ease: Expo.easeOut}, "go")
    .to(root.item3, 0.75, {x:100, ease: Expo.easeOut}, "go")
    .to(root.item4, 0.75, {x:100, ease: Expo.easeOut}, "go");
    I want to think it's something like this, but doesn't seem to work:
    tl.to(root.item1, 0.75, {x:100, ease: Expo.easeOut})
    .to(root.item2, 0.75, {x:100, ease: Expo.easeOut}, "go+=0.5")
    .to(root.item3, 0.75, {x:100, ease: Expo.easeOut}, "go")
    .to(root.item4, 0.75, {x:100, ease: Expo.easeOut}, "go");


    I can work around it by hardcoding the offset on each tween, but I'm sure there's a more flexible way. Any help is appreciated!




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