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Posts posted by spyesx

  1. Awesome ! :D


    Following your advise I set transformOrigin to :

    var transformOriginLeft = "right center";
    var transformOriginRight = "left center";

    Then everything was fine until I scale any path. Looks like a scale reset the svgOrigin or something like that. So I had to set it in every tween.


    Finally figured out that I had a SVG with a viewbox -37.4 94 670.1 653.9. Here is how I set svgOrigin.

    var svgOriginCustom = (335.05 - 37.4) +' '+ (326.95 + 94);

    Now a tween looks like that :

    this._timelineLeft.fromTo(this._$step1L, hD, 
        { opacity: 0, scale: 0.5, svgOrigin: svgOriginCustom, transformOrigin: transformOriginLeft }, 
        { opacity: 1, scale: 1,   svgOrigin: svgOriginCustom, transformOrigin: transformOriginLeft } 

    And it works everywhere :)


    Thank you for you help!

  2. @Carl : 


    I understand the quantity yes. Unfortunately this is the all animation that is buggy and I have a lot to tween. Everything is in the init() function. The rest is only play/stop or a browser detector.


    @GreenSock :


    I didn't know about the svgOrigin not working with percentages. Thank you very much for that little detail that makes a big difference. Thank you as well for the CSSPlugin.useSVGTransformAttr. 


    I'll try to modify my code with your advise and I'll tell you if it works. Hope to finish today :)

  3. Thank you for your reply :)


    @GreenSock : 


    In order to solve my problem I had to set svgOrigin on some browser while setting transformOrigin on others. I don't know why but this is the purpose of this "_forceTransformOrigin" :)


    @OSUBlake : 


    Yeah I understand. Sorry for not uploading a demo, the code is very long and I was a bit shy to send that much in one row. Here is a pen where we can see the problem. It works on Chrome and Firefox but not on Safari unless I use transformOrigin instead of svgOrigin. Actually it could fix the problem but this trick doesn't always work.


    See the Pen YGybAK by spyesx (@spyesx) on CodePen

    var logo = new Spinner($('svg'), ['safari']);

    Am I missing or misunderstanding something?

  4. Hi there!
    I've tried to find a solution in this forum but I couldn't find the same problem. It makes me even more confused!
    I want to animate a inline SVG made of path elements only. Safari, Firefox and Chrome don't really react the same way but I could eventually fix that by applying transformOrigin or svgOrigin depending on the browser. I also had to set transform-origin:50% 50% 0px !important;


    BUT! Safari looks like ignoring this setting as soon as I scale a path. It makes the path to scale from the top left of the SVG element to their original position (scale 1).


    The GSAP version is 1.19.0


    I'm struggling for more than 4h hours especially because this animation is a spinner I use on 3 different location on the website and it doesn't work properly only on one location. Does anyone has an idea?


    Here is the CSS :

        -webkit-transform-origin:50% 50% 0px !important;
        transform-origin:50% 50% 0px !important;

    Here is the JS for one path (every path bug the same)

    this._elementOrigin = ( this._forceTransformOrigin ? 'transformOrigin' : 'svgOrigin');
    var from = {opacity:0,    scale: 0.5}; from[this._elementOrigin] = "100% 50%";
    this._timelineLeft.fromTo(this._$step1L, hD,
        from, { opacity:1,   scale: 1, force3D: true }

    Here is the SVG

    <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-37.4 94 670.1 653.9" xml:space="preserve">
        <path class="component__icon__spinner--7L" d="M214 494.6c-20.7 0-43.6-1.7-62.8-3.4 -2.6-0.2-4.6-0.4-5.9-0.5 -2-0.2-6.1-0.3-11.2-0.5C88.8 488.7 45 485.6 31.3 474 16.5 461.4-1 404.6 0 372.8c0.4-12.2 3.5-20.5 9.1-24.7 16.5-12.3 81.2-12.2 135.6-10.7 2.8 0.1 5.1 0.1 7 0.2 3.6 0.1 8.9 0 15-0.1 44.5-0.7 93 0.2 106 18.7 12 17.2 15.5 72.2 6.7 105.1 -3.8 14.2-9.6 23.3-17.1 26.8C251.9 493 234.1 494.6 214 494.6zM12.1 352.2l3 4c-1.7 1.3-4.7 5.2-5 17 -1 30.7 16.2 83.3 27.8 93.2 12.9 11 73.7 13 96.6 13.8 5.4 0.2 9.3 0.3 11.6 0.5 1.4 0.1 3.4 0.3 6.1 0.5 21 1.9 85.1 7.7 105.8-2.1 4.6-2.2 8.8-9.4 11.7-20.3 3.8-14.4 5.4-34.9 4.2-54.9 -1.2-19.2-4.8-35.2-9.4-41.8 -11-15.8-69.5-14.9-97.6-14.5 -6.2 0.1-11.6 0.2-15.4 0.1 -1.9 0-4.2-0.1-7-0.2 -75.3-2.1-118.9 0.9-129.4 8.7L12.1 352.2z"/>
        <path class="component__icon__spinner--7R" d="M381.3 494.6c-20.1 0-38-1.6-48.2-6.4 -7.6-3.5-13.3-12.6-17.1-26.8 -8.8-32.9-5.3-87.9 6.7-105.1 13-18.6 61.5-19.4 106-18.7 6.1 0.1 11.4 0.2 15 0.1 1.8 0 4.2-0.1 7-0.2 103.7-2.8 127 4.2 135.6 10.7 5.6 4.2 8.7 12.5 9.1 24.7 1.1 31.8-16.5 88.5-31.3 101.1 -13.6 11.6-57.5 14.7-102.8 16.2 -5.1 0.2-9.1 0.3-11.2 0.5 -1.3 0.1-3.4 0.3-5.9 0.5C424.9 492.9 401.9 494.6 381.3 494.6zM409.8 347.4c-29.9 0-70.1 1.8-79.1 14.6 -4.6 6.6-8.2 22.7-9.4 41.8 -1.2 20 0.4 40.5 4.2 54.9 2.9 11 7.1 18.2 11.7 20.3 20.7 9.7 84.8 4 105.8 2.1 2.6-0.2 4.7-0.4 6.1-0.5 2.2-0.2 6.2-0.3 11.6-0.5 22.9-0.8 83.8-2.9 96.6-13.8 11.6-9.9 28.8-62.5 27.8-93.2 -0.4-11.8-3.3-15.7-5-17 -10.5-7.8-54.1-10.8-129.4-8.7 -2.8 0.1-5.2 0.1-7 0.2 -3.8 0.1-9.2 0-15.4-0.1C423.1 347.5 416.8 347.4 409.8 347.4z"/>
        <path class="component__icon__spinner--6L" d="M190.8 509.6c-5.2 0-9.4-0.2-12.1-0.4 -2.8-0.2-6.2-0.5-10.1-0.7 -20.8-1.3-52.2-3.3-65.1-13.9 -17.2-14.1-47.9-48.9-53.8-89.6 -2.8-19.5-4.2-34.9-2-46.9 2.1-11.4 7.3-19.8 17.8-29.2 19.2-17.1 44.3-19.2 110.3-17.2 59.9 1.9 69 8.1 81.1 19.8l1.2 1.1c13.2 12.6 24.2 67.6 25.5 92.1 1.6 29.8-3.2 53.1-14 67.5C258.9 506.3 214.6 509.6 190.8 509.6zM140.9 321c-38 0-55.6 3.6-68.7 15.3l0 0c-16.4 14.6-18.6 25.9-12.6 67.2 5.5 37.7 34.1 70.1 50.2 83.4 10.5 8.6 41.1 10.5 59.4 11.7 4 0.2 7.4 0.5 10.3 0.7 20.3 1.7 73.9-2.1 82.1-13 9.4-12.5 13.5-33.6 12-61 -1.8-33.5-14.6-77.9-22.5-85.4l-1.2-1.1c-9.5-9.1-15.7-15.1-74.5-17C162.3 321.3 150.9 321 140.9 321z"/>
        <path class="component__icon__spinner--6R" d="M404.5 509.6c-23.8 0-68.2-3.2-78.8-17.4 -10.8-14.4-15.6-37.7-14-67.5 1.4-24.5 12.3-79.5 25.5-92.1l1.2-1.1c12.1-11.7 21.3-17.9 81.1-19.8 65.9-2.1 91.1 0.1 110.3 17.2l0 0c20.3 18.1 21.8 34.9 15.8 76.1 -5.9 40.7-36.6 75.5-53.8 89.6 -13 10.7-44.4 12.6-65.1 13.9 -3.9 0.2-7.3 0.5-10.1 0.7C413.9 509.4 409.7 509.6 404.5 509.6zM454.4 321c-10 0-21.4 0.2-34.6 0.7 -58.8 1.9-65.1 7.9-74.5 17l-1.2 1.1c-7.8 7.5-20.6 51.9-22.5 85.4 -1.5 27.4 2.6 48.5 12 61 8.2 10.9 61.8 14.8 82.1 13 2.9-0.2 6.3-0.5 10.3-0.7 18.3-1.1 49-3.1 59.4-11.7 16.1-13.2 44.8-45.6 50.2-83.4 6-41.2 3.8-52.5-12.6-67.2l0 0C510 324.6 492.4 321 454.4 321z"/>
        <path class="component__icon__spinner--5L" d="M231.6 480.7c-11.4 0-24.1-1.2-36.9-2.7 -3.6-0.4-6.4-0.8-7.9-0.8l-1.8-0.1c-40-1.9-62.2-6.5-69.9-14.4 -9.9-10.2-16.8-32.5-20.1-50.1 -2.1-11.2-5.9-38.3 3.2-47.8 15.7-16.4 53.9-15.4 79.2-14.8 5.1 0.1 9.5 0.2 12.6 0.2h1.7c30.2-0.9 59.9-0.4 72.9 9 9.3 6.7 12.6 30.9 13.6 44.7 1.6 19.8 1.2 56.2-10 67.4C260.9 478.4 247.7 480.7 231.6 480.7zM161.1 359.8c-20.5 0-45.9 1.7-55.7 12 -3.2 3.3-4.4 18.1-0.6 39 3.7 19.9 10.6 38 17.4 44.9 3.2 3.3 15.6 9.1 63.2 11.4l1.8 0.1c1.8 0.1 4.7 0.4 8.6 0.9 15 1.8 54.9 6.4 65.2-3.9 6.2-6.1 9.3-32.3 7.1-59.6 -1.9-23.8-6.7-35.4-9.5-37.4 -12.1-8.7-50.4-7.6-66.8-7.1h-1.7c-3.4 0.1-7.9 0-13.1-0.2C172.5 359.9 167 359.8 161.1 359.8z"/>
        <path class="component__icon__spinner--5R" d="M363.6 480.7c-16.1 0-29.4-2.3-36.5-9.4 -11.3-11.2-11.6-47.7-10-67.4 1.1-13.8 4.3-38 13.6-44.7 13-9.4 42.7-9.9 72.9-9h1.7c3.1 0.1 7.5 0 12.6-0.2 25.3-0.6 63.5-1.6 79.2 14.8 9.1 9.5 5.3 36.6 3.2 47.8 -3.2 17.5-10.2 39.9-20.1 50.1 -7.7 7.9-29.9 12.5-69.9 14.4l-1.8 0.1c-1.5 0.1-4.3 0.4-7.9 0.8C387.7 479.5 375 480.7 363.6 480.7zM385.2 359.8c-17.9 0-40 1.2-48.6 7.4 -2.8 2-7.6 13.6-9.5 37.4 -2.2 27.3 1 53.4 7.1 59.6 10.4 10.3 50.2 5.6 65.2 3.9 3.9-0.5 6.8-0.8 8.6-0.9l1.8-0.1c47.6-2.3 60.1-8.1 63.2-11.4 6.7-6.9 13.7-25 17.4-44.9 3.8-20.9 2.6-35.7-0.6-39l0 0c-12.6-13.2-51.1-12.2-71.7-11.7 -5.3 0.1-9.8 0.2-13.1 0.2h-1.7C398.7 360 392.3 359.8 385.2 359.8z"/>
        <path class="component__icon__spinner--4L" d="M207.9 470.8c-18 0-41.6-1.6-47.7-9.8 -8.6-11.4-14.3-52.5-10.4-74.4 1.4-7.5 3.7-12.2 7.1-14.4 8-5.2 33.5-8.6 54.6-9.4 17-0.6 47.1-0.2 58.1 9.8 11 10.1 14.8 36.1 13.6 57.4 -0.4 7.7-2.2 26.3-9.7 31.7 -7 5.1-33.8 8.4-56.7 9C214.1 470.7 211.1 470.8 207.9 470.8zM221.7 368.5c-3.2 0-6.5 0.1-9.9 0.2 -25.5 1-46.2 5.1-51.6 8.5l0 0c-0.9 0.6-3 2.7-4.4 10.4 -3.7 20.4 1.5 59.5 9.3 69.7 3.2 4.2 20.4 8.1 51.7 7.2 27.3-0.8 48.9-4.7 53.3-7.9 3-2.2 6.4-11.4 7.3-27.2 1.1-19.9-2.6-44.3-11.7-52.7C259.6 371.5 243.6 368.5 221.7 368.5z"/>
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        <path class="component__icon__spinner--3R" d="M380.1 223.3c1.8 0 3.5 0.1 5.1 0.4 35.9 5.3 56.6 25.1 61.3 42.3 4.6 16.9 10.8 269.6 10.8 300.1 0 13.6-6.4 29.1-16.6 40.6 -8.9 10-25.1 21.9-51.4 21.9 -19.7 0-35.1-5.7-45.6-17.1 -8-8.7-11.4-18.7-12.6-24 -1.1-6.2-3.2-76-3.9-156.7 -0.8-93.5 0.9-157.1 4.4-170 4-14.9 13.3-23.8 20.3-28.5C360.3 226.6 370.6 223.3 380.1 223.3M380.1 216.3c-20.1 0-47.1 13-55.3 42.9 -9 33-3.1 319.4-0.6 329.9 2.5 10.5 14 46.5 65 46.5s75-41.5 75-69.5c0-28-6-283.4-11-301.9s-26.5-41.4-67-47.4C384.2 216.5 382.2 216.3 380.1 216.3L380.1 216.3z"/>
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        <path class="component__icon__spinner--2R" d="M370.6 682.4c-4.7 0-12.5-0.7-20.8-4.7 -21.4-10.2-29.2-33.5-31.9-51.2 -9-57.9-7.4-365.7 0-416.4 0.1-1.1 1.8-13.2 7.5-25.2 8.2-17.4 20.6-26.2 35.9-25.5 35 1.8 51.8 38.8 54.9 51.7 10.4 43 13.1 220.8 14.6 326.9 0.5 33.7 0.9 60.2 1.4 74.1 1.2 32.1-14.5 49.4-27.9 58.4 -14.3 9.6-28.7 11.6-29.4 11.6C374.9 682.2 373.2 682.4 370.6 682.4zM359.5 169.4c-26.1 0-31.6 41.6-31.7 42v0.1c-7.4 50.2-8.9 355.9 0 413.4 3.5 22.3 12.3 37 26.3 43.8 10.1 4.8 19.4 3.6 19.5 3.6 2.1-0.3 50.5-7.5 48.7-59.8 -0.5-14-0.9-40.6-1.4-74.3 -1.6-105.8-4.2-282.7-14.4-324.7 -2.2-8.9-16.3-42.5-45.7-44C360.4 169.4 359.9 169.4 359.5 169.4z"/>
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        <path class="component__icon__spinner--1R" d="M354.6 615.2c-1.2 0-2.4 0-3.6-0.1l0 0c-24.2-1.7-34.8-15.5-34.3-44.9 0.4-23.7 0.2-179.3 0.1-254 0-21.9-0.1-37.5-0.1-41.9 0-9.8 3.8-18.9 10.6-25.8 7.2-7.2 17.3-11.2 27.7-11.2 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.2 0 13.9 0.1 31.7 9.5 37.9 30.1 2.6 8.6 6.5 83.7 8.9 149.9 1.2 32.6 4.7 140.1 0.6 153.8C391.9 606.9 371.3 615.2 354.6 615.2zM351.4 609.1c21.9 1.5 37.1-11.9 45.4-39.7 2.5-8.4 2.2-68.1-0.8-151.9 -2.7-74.9-6.6-141.5-8.6-148.4 -5.4-17.7-20.5-25.9-32.2-25.9 -8.9 0-17.5 3.4-23.6 9.5 -5.7 5.7-8.9 13.3-8.9 21.5 0 4.4 0 20 0.1 41.9 0.1 74.8 0.3 230.4-0.1 254.1C322.2 596.4 330.6 607.6 351.4 609.1L351.4 609.1z"/>
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