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Posts posted by archonic

  1. I was using timeline lite exclusively for the pause method; something the flash utils timer doesn't have. When your mouse goes over the container, the timer (and tween) will pause, and will resume on mouse roll out.


    It seems I tried to extends timeline lite's use to something it's not ideal for. I'll go back to what worked :). Thanks!

  2. I'm making a XML banner rotator and recently introduced TimelineLite. I started using it since the flash.utils.timer doesn't have a pause() method (which is totally ridiculous). I ended up ridding of the timer completely since there's an onComplete param for the timeline. Here's what I'm trying to do:


    http://dev.archonic.com/mint/HomepageBa ... index.html


    Pretty self-explanatory. When the mouse hovers above the container, the timer (which is now just a TweenMax tween) pauses. Mouse off and it resumes. Then when the tween is done, the same thing happens with the next banner. As you can see it's not quite doing that.


    Every time a slide is loaded, a function is called to update the colours of the navigation items (called updateNavColours):

    function updateNavColours():void {
    		//Idle colours
    		for(var i:uint = 0; i				if(i != current) {							
    				TweenMax.to(navItems[i].navNum_bg, 0, {tint:navBG_IDLE, scaleX:1, scaleY:1, overwrite:true})
    				TweenMax.to(navItems[i].num, 0, {tint:navTXT_IDLE});
    				TweenMax.killTweensOf(navItems[i].navShine_mc, false);
    		//Selected colour
    		TweenMax.to(navItems[current].navNum_bg, 0.2, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, tint:navBG_SELECTED});
    		TweenMax.to(navItems[current].num, 0.2, {tint:navTXT_SELECTED});
    		navTimeline.insert( TweenMax.from(navItems[current].navShine_mc, slideData[current][2], {width:0, ease:Linear.easeNone}) );


    I've tried using navTimeline.killTweensOf, navTimeline.append, adding a label at the end of the tween and using gotoAndStop and gotoAndPlay, removing the tween from the timeline, etc.


    It was working when the timeline was less involved (used only for pausing on mouse over) and the flash timer called the next slide. I'd could always go back but this seems like a more elegant solution. And I'd like to understand timline lite a little better :)


    Any ideas?


    PS - I watched the timeline basics video, very helpful! Is that timeline advanced video you talked of available?

  3. Ya, the older slides definitely weren't my work :P. I briefly tried republishing the old slides with v11 and it didn't immediately work. I tried putting TweenMax.killAllTweens() at the top of the init() method on older slides but that didn't seem to work either. I have no idea why since TweenMax.as (2.34) has a killAllTweens method.


    Directly calling "gs.TweenMax.killAllTweens()" from the container would of course require importing gs.TweenMax which makes all TweenMax methods throw "1000: Ambiguous reference to TweenMax." Calling slideItem.gs.TweenMax.killAllTweens() throws "Error #1069: Property gs not found on Slide21 and there is no default value." too.


    The container will soon be showing slides all made by me, so no biggie :)

  4. I've got a banner rotator in the works using the latest release of TweenMax. For the next little while, it will be loading slides I haven't made. The older slides animate by having "init()" called by the container. This works for the old container which changes slides with a timer but the new version has a menu. Rapidly switching between older slides can really screw up their animations, so I need to kill all child tweens, or just all tweens, before animating the next slide.


    Problem is - the old slides are using version 2.34. Is there any way I can kill tweens of a loaded swf using a much older version of TweenMax? It's not essential but it'd be nice to have the container be backwards compatible.

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