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Posts posted by blissville

  1. Thanks guys. I actually got it to work with .invalidate() method. I figured i didn't need the tl.add() function. I could easily control my tween which is an instance of TweenMax() with pause(), play(), restart() directly. so the .invalidate() method worked fine. And yes  I initially tried this tweenInstance.duration(newDuration); but didn't work probably because I was applying the method to TimelineMax instead of TweenMax which is the actual instance of my tween.

    Thanks for the help 

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  2. I'm trying to alter the tween properties of tl.add() function. I have written this code

    public function progressBar(min:int, sec:int){
      var s:int = convertMintoSec(sec, min);
      var t = TweenMax.to(mc_pbDisplay.mc_pb, s, {
        x: 225,
        y: 21.10,
        scaleX: 0

    What  I want to achieve is to change the value of variable s and restart the tween with the new value of s. but the tween retains the initial value of s. 

    1.  how can i change the value of variable s?
    2. how can i kill tl.add(t) and re-initialize it with the new tween properties of t? i have tried this
      progressBar(min, sec);

      But but variable s still retains its initial value

  3. Hello,

    I have written this code 

    mc.x = 40;
    mc.y = 40;
    var myTween:TweenMax = new TweenMax (mc, speed, {paused:true, bezier:{curviness:0.4, autoRotate:true, values:[{x:234, y:120}, {x:90, y:120}, {x:90, y:190}]}});

    Now, I want to pause this tween at some point, resume it and calculate the total time it took for it to finish. Also, am interested in knowing the exact position of the movieclip while tween is in progress. for example, from the initial x coordinate which is 40, I want to know when it gets to 67 for example then pause the tween and resume it after 5 seconds. then calculate the total time the tween started to when it got paused and resumed until it is completed.

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