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  1. Another typo! Thanks, that did it! Now just getting it to play nicely with smoothstate.js...
  2. Sorry, let me clarify. On the site this is being used for there are two pages, home and content. The #main-toggle switch on the triggers an ajax function to load the content for those pages without having to reload the header where the #main-toggle switch is located, so its animation state can be preserved. So, the book is closed on home and played through on content. If a user comes to the homepage of the site, the function works fine. But, if they go straight to the content page, I'm going to add a conditional statement to the php template for the content page so that this #main-toggle switch already has the "open" class applied on page load. I would like it so that IF this class is already applied, the animation will play through automatically, or just default to starting in the open (end) position automatically. I suppose it doesn't necessarily need to be done with a class, it just seemed like the best way to bake it into the template.
  3. Ah that helps a lot, thanks! It solves the partial playback part, although it killed the click toggle functionality. I forked your Codepen and got the clicking to work as well: http://codepen.io/bgamm/pen/XKgOGZ One follow up question. If I apply a class, "open", to the book/toggle element when it's on a particular page, how can I set the book to already be in the open state (at the end of the timeline)? I added this line but it doesn't really do the trick: if ( $trigger.hasClass( ".open" ) ) { this.animation.tweenTo(this.animation.duration() * 1) };
  4. I have a timeline animation of a book opening and closing. I would like for it to partially open and close on hover (play a percentage of the timeline), and fully open or close on click/tap. Currently I can only get the hover function to play/reverse the animation in full. On the full site, this button acts as a toggle switch between the homepage and the main content page (which is loaded via ajax so the animation state is preserved). Codepen here: http://codepen.io/bgamm/pen/bZRQww I was looking at this similar question here but I cannot get it to work for me. Something about the way I'm referencing the timeline variable isn't working. http://greensock.com/forums/topic/12086-play-a-percentage-of-a-timeline/
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