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Posts posted by pdiddles03

  1. if I am tweening a object in a game i am  making, i need it's velocity. Is there a way to throw this property so i can use it?  


    So lets say i want to jump .

    TweenMax.to(player, 1, {y:player.y-100})

    is there any possible way to get the  distance that was traveled from one spot to another? Another way i can explain it is if i push the right or left arrow, i change the x velocity of the object to "player.vx = 5",  so it's velocity is 5.  

  2. I did seem to solve the issue by doing this but I don't feel this is a very convenient way of doing it. Seeing I am writing a game, it adds unnecessary bloat to it.

    if(ship.active_bullets.length > 0){
            for(var i = 0; i < ship.active_bullets.length; i++){
                    TweenMax.to(ship.active_bullets[i], 2*scale, {y:0,ease:Power0.easeNone,onComplete:function(){
  3. I'm working on a game. Inside of it, i have an array which gets loop through using a for loop and if each object is not being tweened, it tweens them to a specific position like this:

    if(ship.active_bullets.length > 0){
            for(var i = 0; i < ship.active_bullets.length; i++){
                  TweenMax.to(ship.active_bullets[i], 2*scale, {y:0,ease:Power0.easeNone,onComplete:function(){

    The output in the console on complete is then number 1 instead of 0 which is what it is before the tween. why is this?

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