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Posts posted by jeansandjacktrequired

  1. I have a new question you regarding code pen:


    See the Pen GqWxgj by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen



    how can I get these animations to run a bit quicker and slightly overlap each other as one animates in and the other animates out.  I have been playing with the code a bit. I tried adding this: '-=0.15'  to the code but it didn't work.

    var tl = new TimelineMax();
    tl.staggerFrom(".box", 1, { cycle:{ x:[ -400,400,0,0 ],y:[0,0,-400,400] } },3)
    tl.staggerTo(".box", 1, { cycle:{ x:[ 400,-400,0,0 ],y:[0,0,400,-400] },autoAlpha:0 },3,2,'-=0.15' )
    tl.from(".lastBox", 1, {x:400})
    any help is appreciated, thx
  2. I have a new question you regarding your code pen:


    See the Pen GqWxgj by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen



    how can I get these animations to run a bit quicker and slightly overlap each other as one animates in and the other animates out.  I have been playing with your code a bit. I tried adding this: '-=0.15'  to the code but it didn't work.

    var tl = new TimelineMax();
    tl.staggerFrom(".box", 1, { cycle:{ x:[ -400,400,0,0 ],y:[0,0,-400,400] } },3)
    tl.staggerTo(".box", 1, { cycle:{ x:[ 400,-400,0,0 ],y:[0,0,400,-400] },autoAlpha:0 },3,2,'-=0.15' )
    tl.from(".lastBox", 1, {x:400})
  3. Hi all, newbie here


    I am trying to create a very simple animation based on one of the animations in Greensock 101.



    I want to have img1 fade in from the left and stay.

    20 pixels below I want img2 to fade in from the right and stay.

    and img3 will fade in from the left 10 pixels below img2 and stay



    (function($) {


    var one = $('img1'),

    two = $('img2'),

    three = $('img3'),

    tl = new TimelineLite(); 



    .from(one, 0.3, {y: -15, autoAlpha: 0, ease:Power1.easeOut})

    .from(two, 0.3, {y: -15, autoAlpha: 0, ease:Power1.easeOut}, '-=0.15')

    .from(three, 0.3, {y: -15, autoAlpha: 0, ease:Power1.easeOut}, '-=0.15')




    I am working with the above JS - i don't think the y values are correct yet (?)

    I have confusions about calling this correctly in the CSS and html.

  4. Hi all.


    Here is what I want to learn today.

    I have a simple fade in/fade out animation of several boxes. I want to repeat the animation but this is how I want to do it:

    box 1, box 2, box 3, box4, box 5 - hold box 5 on the stage for a second then repeat box 2, box 3, box4, box 5 - hold box 5 on the stage forever.



    here is my code pen


    I think I may be looking into implementing nested timelines - correct?
    something like this?

    tl.add( firstPart() )
      .add( secondPart(), "-=0.5") //overlap 0.5 seconds

    - - - -

    Edit:  OK. This is how I think I should build this simple animation.

    Timeline1  repeat 2

    Box 1
    Box 2
    Box 3

    Timeline 2 (or nested timeline) no repeat

    Box 1
    Box 2
    Box 3

    Box 1 and hold


    See the Pen rLyRgB by jeansandjacketrequired (@jeansandjacketrequired) on CodePen

  5. I should be able to figure this out but -- I wish to animate your colored boxes from the bottom of my banner on the y axis. 

    Fade in from the bottom sit for a second or two and fade up with the last box fading in and remaining in place. 


    I tried changing the x: to y: but I am not having success in animating on the y axis like your pen  

    See the Pen aZJdxE by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen


  6. That is exactly what I was working towards.

    Now, what if I wanted red box to animate from the left, stay on stage for a second and fade to the right, green animate from the right, stay on stage for a second and fade to the left, and then blue animate from the top. 

    Sorry for so many questions. I am also going through all of the tutorials

  7. Hi there,


    I am a new animator with a few basic questions. I want to animate a series of images one after another. I want an image to animate in, hod for a second and then animate out. Then I want the second image to animate in hold and animate out. Ditto for the third.


    This is the code I have so far. The images animate in but I am not sure of the best way to have them hold and then animate out befor the next image comes in. Suggestions?

    (function($) {

    var img1 = $('buff_chicken'),
    img2 = $('mac_cheese'),
    img3 = $('sandwich'),

    tl = new TimelineLite();

    .from(buff_chicken, 0.3, {y: -250, ease: Back.easeInOut.config(1.7), autoAlpha: 0,})
    .from(mac_cheese, 0.3, {x: -300, ease: Back.easeInOut.config(1.7), autoAlpha: 0,}, '+=1')
    .from(sandwich, 0.3, {x: 300, ease: Back.easeInOut.config(1.7), autoAlpha: 0,}, '-=0.15')


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