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Posts posted by Ritch.b

  1. Hi,


    Is it possible to use the scrollto plugin to scroll to the top of a div based on its class or ID rather than a numeric x y position?


    So something like...

    .to(window, 0.8, {
        scrollTo: {
          >DIV CLASS or ID HERE<,
          autoKill: false
        ease: Power2.easeOut



    See the Pen rLyajL by Ritch (@Ritch) on CodePen

  2. Thanks for the y tip Jonathan. Unfortunatley the suggested method hasn't had any effect on moving the SVG to where I need it to go.


    The ribbon shape transforms into a background for a menu, which I then need to be able to pin to the top of the viewport, so it becomes fixed, behind the navigation/logos etc... 


  3. Hey,


    I have a timeline, on the end of which I want to move a SVG path "#combine" to;


    1. Move to a specific point on the page. Or preferably ---
    2. Pin to the top of the viewport.

    I've tried using:

    .to("#combine", 2, {top:"910px", ease:Power2.easeInOut});

    and aslo ScrollMagic's setPin


    Any ideas where I am going wrong?



    See the Pen rLyajL by Ritch (@Ritch) on CodePen

  4. Thanks,


    You're right about the morph - The route I am going to take is to fade out the #st0 and #st1 layers - leaving the #combine layer which I will then morph into another shape. But before I do that I need to get the morph to work on scroll.


    I've made the changes above - but now the morph is starting before the trigger is even reached.

  5. Hi All,


    I'm fairly new to JS, so I'm sure I've made a silly mistake.


    But I am unable to get a morph tween to trigger using ScrollMagic. What I want to do is fairly simple, I have an svg ribbon made up of three paths, I want to morph the first two into the third as a user scrolls.


    I've watch and read lots of tutorials, but can't see where I am going wrong.


    Thank you in advance.



    See the Pen rLyajL by Ritch (@Ritch) on CodePen

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