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Posts posted by madfirestorm

  1. Just gone through all sorts of fun (not) working in Mediamind / Eyeblaster.

    Creating a muti-expanding advert for Hotmail. http://advertising.microsoft.com/asia/ForAdvertisers/CreativeSpec.aspx?CS_CreativeSpecID=130


    I used TweenNano and TweenMax in different doses. For ease of build I add quite a lot to the timeline, which allow my creatives to help me pixel tweak locations.


    Uploaded everything to Eyeblaster and... nothing worked. It completely ignored TweenMax and TweenNano.


    After many hours of trying to fix (and not being able to properly test this advert as Mediamind don't have a tool I can use to do this) I eventually REMOVED all Greensock code from the main header animation and went back to using the timeline to animate. Booooo!


    However, when I nested the Greensock code in a movieclip in the MPU, then it all worked fine. Mental.


    My advice. Don't use TweenMax etc with Mediamind when building complicated Microsoft enabled banners.

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