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Posts posted by matshriver

  1. Here is some of the code.

    var manager:TransformManager=new TransformManager({targetObjects:[],allowDelete:true,autoDeselect:true,arrowKeysMove:true,hideCenterHandle:true});


    var clip1Item:TransformItem=null;

    clip1Item = manager.addItem(array[increm]);

    clip1Item.maxScaleY = 1;

    clip1Item.minScaleY = 1;

    Do you have examples of code somewhere so that I can see the sytax in use? Thanks

  2. Hi, I am interactively drawing a horizontal line and have added it to a transform manager. All is working well except now I'd like to constrain the height so that I can stretch the line to be longer or shorter without making it fatter. I am not sure if this can be done. One approach might be to use something like:

    clip1Item.maxScaleY = 1;

    clip1Item.minScaleY = 1;

    Can this be done? If so, what would be the correct syntax? Thank you -mat

  3. Hi, I'm having trouble deleting objects. The code I'm using works but it generates an error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at gs.transform::TransformItem/onMouseUp()


    var clip4Item:TransformItem=manager.addItem(array[increm]);

    clip4Item.addEventListener(TransformEvent.SELECT, Identify);


    function Identify($e:TransformEvent):void


    for (var i=0; i




    Thanks very much for any help.

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