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Posts posted by Nolla283

  1. Davi,

    I'm using DepthJS to animate some objects. I'm trying to use rotX to rotate the objects toward and away from the me. It should look like a sign that is hung from the top and is swinging toward and away from me. Instead, all I can get is it swinging away and then back to the starting point.


    This works to swing the object away from me and then back to the starting point:

    var stage3D = new depthjs.Stage3D();
    var cont3D = new depthjs.Container3D();
    var pin1_mc = new lib.pin_1();
    var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1});
    tl.from(cont3D, 1, {rotX: 20})
    tl.from(cont3D, 1, {rotX: 0});


    I would expect for this variation to swing the object back past the starting point and then toward me, but it doesn't work:

    var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1});
    tl.from(cont3D, 1, {rotX: 20})
    tl.from(cont3D, 1, {rotX: -20});


    In TweenMax I think you'd handle this by using something like rotationX: "20_ccw" vs rotationX:"20_cw" or even += and -=. I haven't been able to find the equivalent in DepthJS but it seems like such a basic thing! Have you had any success reversing the direction of the 3D animation in DepthJS?

  2. I'm using DepthJS to animate some objects that are pinned to a clothesline. I'm using rotX to rotate the objects toward and away from the "camera" (the camera is looking directly at the object). The problem I'm having is that I can only get the rotation to spin toward the camera (and back). I can't get it to spin away from the camera. In TweenMax I think you'd handle this by using something like rotationX: "20_ccw" vs rotationX:"20_cw" or even += and -=. I haven't been able to find the equivalent in DepthJS but it seems like such a basic thing! Has anyone had any success reversing the direction of the 3D animation in DepthJS?

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