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Posts posted by yihaod

  1. Hi all,


    I'm new to web development and Javascript, so please forgive if I'm asking silly questions! Let me describe what I am trying to achieve.


    1) I'm planning to create an autoplaying image sequence, that is also "scrub-able". The scrubbing moves the image sequence forward or backward the frames. I would also want to set up some controls akin to carousel pagination buttons, whereby clicking on these dots would play the sequence to a specific frame in the img sequence. 


    2) During the scrubbing, should the user release the mouse, the image sequence would play to the nearest image frame that is assigned to a pagination button. 


    3) Overlaying clickable hotspots that appear only on the frames assigned to the pagination buttons. 


    I think the easiest thing for me is number 3, as there's a demo of something on GSAP page. For the rest of it, I tried looking at other threads but can't make much sense of them :( 


    Could someone point me to some starting ideas?


    thanks in advance


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