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Posts posted by bellaz

  1. Hi, I have a problem with subsequent pinned sections. 

    It all worked fine when the sections had 100vh height, but now I need to reduce the height of the sections.

    If I simply make the section smaller,  the pin creates huge white space around the pinned section, but if I set pinSpacing: false the second section overlaps the first.


    How can I solve this?



    Thank you very much.

    See the Pen oNRwpov by BBsNic (@BBsNic) on CodePen

  2. Hi, thank you very much for your answers.


    This is not exactly what I was looking for, but with the onPress and onRelease callbacks I managed to do what I was looking for.


    Thanks again, I'm marking the answer addressing the original topic as correct.

  3. Thank you for your quick response.


    It was the filter drop shadow, I didn't know it could impact so much on the performances.


    I'd like to ask you for another suggestion, if you don't mind.


    In the circular slider of the example above, I have <a> elements instead of the simple <div> cards. The problem is that the click on the element is triggered also when i swipe vertically across the slider. This also happens if I remove the href and try to go to the linked page manually on the onClick callback.


    That is very frustrating especially on mobile devices: is there a way to disable the vertical drag on a type: "rotation" Draggable?


    My expected behaviour is this: 

    • Swipe horizontalli -> The slider rotates
    • Swipe vertically -> the page scrolls (which now doesn't)
    • Click -> Open the link


    Thank you very much!

    • Like 1
  4. Hi,


    I have a circular slider on my website, copied from this example


    It works fine but I noticed a big performance issue on iOS devices, the slider is almost impossible to use because of the lag.

    Is there something I can do to improve this?


    The js is copied from the example, I just changed the css and of course the content of the cards.


    Thank you

    See the Pen eYbezYG by Mrchoy (@Mrchoy) on CodePen

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