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Posts posted by MkPan

  1. Hi folks !
    Before everything else, I would like to thank you yet another time for your awesome work ! I cannot praise enough GSAP !

    So here is my issue, I may have missed something, done something wrong and cannot point it out.
    The goal was to be able to create a closed svg shape with custom points / coordinates and then randomly animate them independently.
    I almost got it, but for unknown reasons, if you observe the linked codepen, points are sometimes "jumping" and break the smoothness of the animation.
    I tried different approaches to try to fix the problem, but juste nope, without success. So I came here to maybe get some advices :)

    Thanks & cheers ! :)


    See the Pen QWEwOWV by mimikn (@mimikn) on CodePen

  2. Yeah I'll try that, anyway since ThrowProps is not part of the public greensock repo, I'll just edit it and stick with all the latest stuff of the public repo for everything else.

    Didn't noticed any problem and unwanted loading of CSSPlugin by the way :)

    Thanks for the help ! Much appreciated ! :D

  3. Hello,


    I would like to use the ThrowPropsPlugin in addition to the Draggable plugin, the whole thing into a CommonJS environment (via browserify).
    Problem is, I'm actually using TweenMax for everything else ... and ThrowPropsPlugin has a TweenLite dependency :(

    So my question is : is there anyway to bypass this dependency when we are actually using TweenMax over TweenLite ?
    Or there's nothing we can do ... and we are then obliged to include TweenMax AND TweenLite in our build ?

    Thank you very much for any help and any answers I'll get :)

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