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Posts posted by anusky

  1. Hi again!!!!!

    I have a little question related with zoom images!

    Normally when I make a zoom in a image with this parameters





         TweenLite.fromTo("#image", moveTime*4, {width:1607, height:1168, top:-241, left:-496}, {width:1100, height:800, x:400, y:-150, force3D:true}) 



    This zoom has a jerking/shuttering effect when is developing the zoom, something which is not diserable, for most of my clients...

    Anyone knows how to fix that?????


    Thank you in advanced!!!!!!

  2. Lately I found a prototype of a fireplace ad in Googles Rich Media Gallery which includes the tools you need to get the single ads in sync:



    it took me a while to get it - but basically you need to 'connect' the ads and broadcast messages between them to control the animation start.


    check out my (rough) try based on the above prototype - and please don't be afraid of the (design and code) eyesore you will find: it's been just a test!!! :D



    a few things i noticed:

    • since communication between the ads takes a little while it's not enough to broadcast a simple "go". The trick is to refer to an independent timer, in this case i decided to refer to the users system date/time.

      I ended up calculating an overall delay for message transfer and processing, added a few ms as a buffer and calculated a start date/time to broadcast. This way i got an 99.9% sync when starting the ads. You might need to modify the delay caluclations according to your environment.

    • starting the ads synced is only half of the trick. Depending on a bunch of factors (total duration, loop or non-loop, other ads on the page handbreaking the anims,...) you might have to check if the ads are still in snyc every now and then (and maybe bring them back in sync).

      As my customer cancelled the project all of a sudden i didn't have a chance to investigate any deeper yet.

    Hope it helps




    Thanks a lot for you quick answer!!!!!!!!!!

    Good job and good explanation!

    I love your example!!!!!!!!!!!



  3. Hi Greensockers!!!!!!

    Any tip for banner ssyncronitzation?

    I will try to explain my doubt/problem

    I just have a wallpaper banner which includes two banner pieces format 728x90/160x600 which share in some point animations.

    I just create separately the banner animations, one banner of 728x90 and one banner of 160x600,  and then just create an html of 1000x1000 with two iframes which charge the two banners, for try to ajust the syncronitzation.

    But obviusly they are not syncronize at all...: (

    My problem is!!!How can I syncronize the two banners for they star at the same time?


    Any tip?

    Any recomendation?



    Thanks to ypu all!!!!!

    You are just amazing!



  4. Hi again!

    Any basic recomendation for make a blur effect in TimelineLite?

    I enclosed a pic for have an idea what i'm talking about...I dont know if thats helps.


    Thanks in advanced,





  5. Thanks for the quick answer!

    Actually your tip was not working for me, probably because I am just starting with greensock and I could understand properly whats going on...Although for me your explanation was really clear!

    However, I found a solution for my click apper/dissappear which is working!!!


    Anyway Im really interestend in find other posibilities!!!!!!!


    Guys your are making a great job!!!!!!!

    var info = $("#icon");
    function appear() {
        TweenLite.to("#info", moveTime, {autoAlpha:1});
        info.one('click', disappear);
    function disappear() {
        TweenLite.to("#info", moveTime, {autoAlpha:0});
        info.one('click', appear);
    info.one('click', appear);
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