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Posts posted by cowfields

  1. Hi all,
    I'm pretty new to GSAP so apologies if I've missed something obvious.
    What I'm trying to achieve is the ability to change the delay on a staggerTo tween, as part of a timeline.

    var embiggen = function(selector, delay) {
            var elements = $( selector );
            var t1 = new TimelineMax();
            t1.staggerTo( elements, .5, {scale: 2}, delay);
            return t1;
        // create the animation with 0.25s delay between each one
        var squares = embiggen( '.square', 0.25 );
        // start when the app is ready
        // What I would like to do is...
        squares.restart(); // this would play, but with a 1 second delay rather than 0.25s delay 

    I have the above code in the codepen link.  There is an obvious bug where "addDelay" doesn't work. I appreciate I'd have to reference the staggerTo specific parts of the timeline but the gist is, let's say in some situations I want to unveil elements slowly, but then maybe later do the same unveil but all together, or faster or whatever.  It's a conceptual idea at this point.  I appreciate I could just run the "embiggen" function a second time, and then just reference the animation I needed - I am just wondering if there's a method for this rather than having two timelines saved in variables which could potentially take up more memory?


    To clarify, it's not necessarily the speed of the whole thing I want to slow down, the timeline tweens themselves would be the same.  It's simply the delay between the squares, whether, say, they want to run all together, or staggered.



    See the Pen BjYyYZ by cowfields (@cowfields) on CodePen

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