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  1. Bonsai's post in Element with Scroll Trigger inside sticky element doesn't apply end state when chrome is refreshed after scrolling. was marked as the answer   
    I figured out my problem. The issue was that the onUpdate callback does not fire if the scroll animation hasn't started or has already ended. To fix this, I needed to add the onStart and onEnd events to update the styles as well. The fixed version can be seen below.
    ctrl._animateIconContainer = function () { var headerHeight = angular.element('.header')[0].offsetHeight; var startY = ($window.innerHeight / 2) - headerHeight; var tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ctrl._shareIcons, toggleActions: "play none reverse reset", start: `${startY}px center`, end: () => '+=298.8', scrub: true, snap: false, invalidateOnRefresh: true }, }); tl .to(ctrl._shareIcons, .25, { onStart: function () { //added this to handle when the animation hasn't started yet ctrl._setRotation(0); }, onUpdate: function () { ctrl._setRotation(this.progress()); //moved the code that was here into its own function }, onEnd: function () { //added this to handle when the animation has already finished ctrl._setRotation(1); } }) .to(ctrl._shareDiv, .2, { borderBottomRightRadius: '0rem', borderTopRightRadius: '0rem' }); } //moved animation to separate function to allow it to be used in the 3 event callbacks ctrl._setRotation = function (progress) { var rotate = 90 * progress; gsap.set(ctrl._shareDiv, { rotation: -rotate, x: -166 * Math.cos((rotate - 90) * Math.PI / 180) }) gsap.set(ctrl._icons, { rotation: rotate }); }  
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