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Posts posted by syntaxReflex

  1. Hi everyone,


    I am new to using GSAP, but have used (the timeline) in Flash heavily. I've read the documentation and tried to follow it.


    For my first project using GSAP, I built a small banner ad to test some of the functionalities. It can be seen here: 


    As for now, I have some questions about my code:



    1. (How) can I chain the .set into one large string (so that they are all set at once)?

       For example: 
    TweenLite.set("#box", {x:52, y:57}).set("#shadow", {x:127, y:52, autoAlpha:0});

    Is this even possible?




    2. I would like to move the #box, #shadow, #pack and #line simultaneously to the left, but in the code provided the animations start when the one before is finished... How can I fix this? Is it possible to be chained as well?

            tl.to("#box", .5, {x:-25, y: 62, scale: 0.72, rotation:0.001, ease:Power2.easeInOut});
            tl.to("#shadow", .5, {x:55, y: 58, scale: 0.72, rotation:0.001, ease:Power2.easeInOut});
            tl.to("#pack", .5, {x:70, y: 76, scale: 0.72, rotation:0.001, ease:Power2.easeInOut});
            tl.to("#line", .5, {x:-10, y: 170, scale: 0.72, rotation:0.001, ease:Power2.easeInOut});

    3. If you have any other remarks, tips, optimisations or observations about my code, don't hesitate to give me a heads up!



    Thanks in advance for all your (kind) help!

    See the Pen bEBxBB by anon (@anon) on CodePen

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