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Posts posted by reworked

  1. Well shoot, that was easy. Thanks Diaco!


    Add on question: will this account for nested onComplete functions within the function called?


    For example, the function called tweens in a circle on a map and then that has an onComplete function that populates a bunch of dots on the map. Will using add account for the onComplete function as well?

    return TweenLite.to(element, duration, { scale: scaleSize, ease: Back.easeOut, onComplete: populateDots });
    • Like 1
  2. First of all, love GSAP. You guys have done an awesome job, it's a very enjoyable API to work with.
    Now, my question: How can I ensure my timeline properly adds duration for a function added with call() so that it calls the function in sequence?
    For example:

    var mainTl = new TimelineMax();
    .to($('h1'), 0.5, { y: '-=30px', autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power2.easeOut }, 'textIn')
    .to($('p'), 0.5, { y: '+=30px', autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power2.easeOut }, 'textIn')
    .call(myFunction, ['param1', 'param2'])
    .call(myOtherFunction, ['param1', 'param2']);
    function myFunction(element, duration) {
        return TweenLite.to(element, duration, { scale: 1, ease: Back.easeOut })
    function myOtherFunction(element, duration) {
        return TweenLite.to(element, duration, { scale: 5, ease: Back.easeOut })

    My problem is that when I call myFunction myOtherFunction is called at the same time. It doesn't wait for myFunction to finish and then calls myOtherFunction. Perhaps I need a callback but I'm not sure where.

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