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elegantseagulls last won the day on March 29 2023

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  1. elegantseagulls's post in Jerky Scroll Behavior (scrollTrigger + Wordpress was marked as the answer   
    @Kristy H If you have control over your CSS or an overwrites file, just target the classes that are applying the transitions and add transition: none;
  2. elegantseagulls's post in Rotation on scroll was marked as the answer   
    I'm not sure why this is, but changing scrub to true instead of 0.2 seems to fix the issue. Is this expected behavior @GreenSock (cc: @OSUblake @Cassie)?
  3. elegantseagulls's post in facing problem in cursor animation was marked as the answer   
    Because that animated circle text is being appended as a child of your cursor, so it's getting the scale property from its parent.
  4. elegantseagulls's post in How can I fix weird jump at the start of loop? was marked as the answer   
    This is tricky because you'll have to tween the h3 back to its original position, or it doesn't have a context of where it's really starting from...
    With what you have going on the forEach, you are creating a new timeline for each iteration.
    This solution adds to a single timeline onEach, then goes back to its original position:

    See the Pen JjyMpRx?editors=0110 by ryan_labar (@ryan_labar) on CodePen
  5. elegantseagulls's post in [React] ScrollTrigger component triggering everything at the same time was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you'll need to register your plugin gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger), and will also need to import the ScrollTrigger files.
    Good info here: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Installation
    Scroll down to the GSAP 3 Install Helper and look at the Modules section (if you're using next you'll need to import from 'dist', instead).

    (you also called it ScrollMagic in your original question, which is a "competitor" product to ScrollTrigger)
  6. elegantseagulls's post in Lazyload Html5 Video using scrollTrigger not working was marked as the answer   
    I believe you'll need to add a video.load in your onEnter; it's not like loading images. You could just set the preload attribute to 'none' preload="none" and then just run video.load, instead of adding the src.
  7. elegantseagulls's post in Trigger Batch onEnter when Accordion panel is shown was marked as the answer   
    Easiest way would be to just create a ScrollTrigger batch on open function, then kill it on close.
    A bit more complex would be to:
    You could setup a var to check if the Accordion has been opened, and if it hasn't, setup your ScrollTrigger batch function on first open, then use open close functions to reset/enable/disable your ScrollTriggers.
  8. elegantseagulls's post in Regstering TextPlugin in Next.js was marked as the answer   
    In next.js you'll likely want to import the TextPlugin via import { TextPlugin } from "gsap/dist/TextPlugin";
  9. elegantseagulls's post in How would I convert a SVG animation into GSAP? was marked as the answer   
    You can animate strokeDashoffset, and all other svg attributes in gsap just as you would any other property.
    Maybe your target isn't accurate for your animation? also make sure your case is correct strokeDashOffset strokeDashoffset

    See the Pen GRmqbpY by ryan_labar (@ryan_labar) on CodePen
    For fine tuning your strokeDashArray animation, check out the DrawSVGPlugin: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/DrawSVGPlugin 
    Also, we don't recommend using ScrollMagic. GSAP has ScrollTrigger: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger
  10. elegantseagulls's post in GSAP to classname removes all other previous classes was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Tonycre8,
    The className plugin was removed in gsap version 3. More info here: https://greensock.com/3-migration/#className
  11. elegantseagulls's post in Club Plugins vs GSAP's core vs Extra Eases was marked as the answer   
    I assume you're talking about the logo animation. If you inspect it, it's just two SVGs stacked on top of each other with parts of each being animated and cross-faded. No need for Morph of Flip or anything extra for that.
  12. elegantseagulls's post in Need help trying to recreate an scroll animation using ScrollTrigger was marked as the answer   
    The way I'd approach this would be to set a full-height container that I'd pin for the duration of your animations then create a single gsap.timetime for all the columns and content inside that container and use ScrollTrigger's scrub feature to move through that animation timeline while the container is pinned.
    A good way to approach / set this up would be to first make your timeline play through nicely without any scrolling, then append that to the scroll/scrub/pin and adjust the duration (distance) of the pin to match the feel of your desired animation at a natural scroll speed.
  13. elegantseagulls's post in ScrollTrigger: Weird behaviour with reverse in toggleActions. was marked as the answer   
    Ah, I see. For this instance, you may consider setting up a ScrollTrigger.create({...}) then use the onToggle with isActive (https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/isActive)(or onEnter, and onEnterBack) to run a gsap.to() tween, that way gsap shouldn't have a preset memory of the "0" position.

    ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".section04", onToggle: self => { if (self.isActive) { gsap.to('.list', { y: -105 }) } } })  
  14. elegantseagulls's post in How to call a Leaflet function with ScrollTrigger? was marked as the answer   
    I'm not seeing any ScrollTriggers in your CodePen, but you'll likely want to do something like:

    onEnter: () => { map.setView([-300, 425], 3) },  
  15. elegantseagulls's post in ScrollTrigger - Pinning child element after parent has been pinned was marked as the answer   
    It's not working because the parent is being transformed so then the child element looses it's fixed-position context. Adding pinReparent: true, to the child element's ScrollTrigger should fix this, (you'll want to be careful when using this as you'll loose descendant styling, if applicable). More on this here: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger
  16. elegantseagulls's post in strokeDashoffset Animate in a third of Duration was marked as the answer   
    The stroke completes itself at a stroke-dashoffset of about 71 in your example, so that's why it's appearing like it's finishing early. So you may want to tween to that instead. Or use the DrawSVG plugin to avoid any 'trial and error' oddities like this.
  17. elegantseagulls's post in After initial animations, element position jumps when parallaxing (Locomotive Scroll) was marked as the answer   
    I'm not really familiar with Locomotive, but the simplest solution I can think of is wrap the trees in a div and tween that div with Locomotive and tween the images with gsap, so there is no conflicting transforms.
  18. elegantseagulls's post in Looping text with variable length was marked as the answer   
    Another option would be just to duplicate your content and transform the whole container to -50% and just repeat that:

    See the Pen RwoPbdb by ryan_labar (@ryan_labar) on CodePen
  19. elegantseagulls's post in Problem with pin and scrub was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for updating your codepen. It's much easier to read now! I think you're just wanting to have everything scrub off the maintimeline, instead of trying to add more scrollTriggers inside the initial pin.
    Try replacing your JS with this:

    // // PLUGIN REGISTRATION // gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollToPlugin); // // Create section // gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '#section-2', scrub: true, pin: true } }) .from("#section-2 header h2", { opacity: 0, y: 150 }) .from("#section-2 header p", { opacity: 0, y: 150 }) .from("#section-2 header .arrow", { opacity: 0, y: 150 }) .from(".references", { opacity: 0, y: 200 }) .from("#schlaf", { opacity: 0, y: 200 }) .from("#angst", { opacity: 0, y: 200 }) .from("#depression", { opacity: 0, y: 200 }); You can adjust the timing of everything with markers/duration, if needed too.
  20. elegantseagulls's post in reverse Gsap event with timeline Gsap 3.0 and higher was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Lichay,
    I'm not entirely sure what you're looking for but I'm thinking you just need a repeat, yoyo, and a repeatDelay:
    gsap.to(element, { y: 200, scale: 1.3, repeat: 1, yoyo: true, repeatDelay: 2, });  
  21. elegantseagulls's post in Restarting timeline for different elements was marked as the answer   
    Well I figured it out. Sorta. It was breaking due to the .from() I was using with DrawSVG. I needed to set the length to 0 and use to(). 
    Solution is here: 
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