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Posts posted by dbj

  1. This title might not even make sense.


    Here the code I'm trying to pull off:

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
      // Animate game cards into view
      function animateGameCards() {
        let elements = document.getElementsByClassName('game-card');
        if (elements.length) {
          TweenMax.staggerFromTo(elements, 0.5, {
            autoAlpha: 0,
            y: 50
          }, {
            autoAlpha: 1,
            y: 0
          }, 0.025);
      // Animate tickets into view
      function animateTickets() {
        let elements = document.getElementsByClassName('ticket-wrapper');
        if (elements.length) {
          TweenMax.staggerFromTo(elements, 0.5, {
            autoAlpha: 0,
            y: 50
          }, {
            autoAlpha: 1,
            y: 0
          }, 0.025);
      // Fake a quick loading state and call a tween on complete.
      function fakeLoading(fn) {
        let loading = document.getElementsByClassName('loading')[0];
        if (loading) {
          let rnd = Math.random() * (1 - 0.35) + 0.35;
          let tween = TweenMax.fromTo(loading, 0.5, {
            autoAlpha: 1
          }, {
            autoAlpha: 0,
            delay: rnd,
            onComplete: fn

    For this prototype I am working on I want to be able to pass a function into fakeLoading() to create a loading animation delay before the tween goes off. I want this loading tweens to happen simultaneously and have two (or more) spinners on different parts of the page spinner before the animation fires.


    What happens when I call fakeLoading multiple times in succession is that only one of them triggers. What am I doing wrong and how can I do this right? :)


    Thanks for your time.

  2. Hello, I've been trying to make this calendar pen that has a different timeline for each month, and the user can click through the months and see the different animations.


    At first I tried creating a separate timeline for each month, and calling it from the master timeline, but then I was having problems with tweening between two timelines and being able to reverse.


    So I found out that I should rather be using one timeline with 12 markers, and using tweenFromTo to switch between them.


    As you can see from my demo I'm not there yet... but I might be pretty close. I know it has to do with me being terrible at "clever" JavaScript but I'm a designer-trying-to-code kinda guy, so be gentle!


    Am I close with my code, or is there a much better way that I'm not figuring out?




    See the Pen right by dbj (@dbj) on CodePen

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