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Posts posted by Regis

  1. The duration (tl.duration()) is computed on all the duration information of the tweens ? So it depends on the hardware and browser whith which it is played, the same animation which duration is 10s (calculated) could be 7s on a fast computer or 12s on a slow computer ?

  2. The next animation need to call a function (when the animation are on a media player). I call this function in an onComplete callback, calling the parent to let it know that the current animation is finished, the next could be a video or an image, not always an other animation, I use a software which control what to display independently.

    Sahil duration should return 7s, which is the timed duration, and not 11s that's my problem.


  3. Hi,


    I tried your solution because I got the same issue. I had some animations declined I several instance with different animations in it. The must call en function at the end (calling next animation) the duration must be at least 10 second.

    When I call the tl duration it returns 11s if if time the animation it's duration is around 7s. So calculating 10 - tl.duration() is -1s... (when played in firefox).

    How to be sure of the real duration of the timeline ?

  4. Hi,


    Thanks the video is very interesting, but when i was talking about position it's about physical position not timing.

    I would like to have an animation with the bar starting at the left of the screen the growing upward the other side.

    When it's X position is at the position of the first character of the text it start the stager of the text. In the stager each letter animation should start when the bar is at the X position of the letter.

    One of the solution is to take the duration wanted to cross the screen, search the time (t1) when the bar reach the text position, compute the time to reach the end postion to reach the end of the text, take this time and affect it to the stagger duration and start the stagger at t1.

    But maybe there's an easier way of doing it ?

  5. Hi,


    I need to grow a bar and start an other animation at a certain position. What is the best way to achieve this ?

    I the following exemple I need to start the text animation when the bar is at the start position of it.






    See the Pen RrNReY by anon (@anon) on CodePen

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